By: Rpf Gakwerere
For years, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe has used Uganda’s liberal economy that attracts investors as a point to launder his money and gold dealings from DR Congo.

Few weeks ago, Uganda’s intelligence agencies arrested one of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s business associate Sam Buchana. In Uganda, Buchana was referred as a tycoon, but none would define the source of his wealth.

Sam Buchana was a former Rwanda patriotic Army (now RDF) soldier at the rank of a sergeant and a well known carrier of DMI operations funds. Sergeant Buchana was along time DMI carrier of funds – launderer, and middleman to some of gold – diamond deals between J3 supremo – Gen James Kabarebe and gold – diamond traders from middle east. And when the gold – diamonds from treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe stopped coming, Sergeant Sam Buchana resorted to scamming his clients with fake gold. And this scamming of innocent arabs led to his arrest on 17th August 2019.
Like Sergeant Sam Buchana, Mark Rugenza is also a fronting point of DMI operation money, under the supervision of J3 supremo, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. The bar – leisure clubs which gullibles assume to be owned by Mark Rugenza are in fact owned by J3, under treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe.

For those who don’t know, in Rwanda’s security circles, J3 is acronym of James Kabarebe, Jack Nziza and James Musoni alliance. This is an alliance made out of hell. I hope readers will not confuse G3 which is military acronym for training, operational requirements, combat development & tactical doctrine.
Mark Rugenza was a mere Mutembeyi (hawker) who was involved in small commission dealings from phones to being a middleman in car, land….etc deals. It’s from Wilson street, Kampala, that Rwanda’s top DMI operative deployed in Uganda, Col Ismael Baguma, that came into contact with Mark Rugenza.
Col Ismael Baguma is Rwanda’s police attache to Uganda, Col Ismael Buguma whose real names are Mubarak Twahirwa runs several DMI cells in Uganda. The assassin officer has been involved in many kidnappings and assassinations of innocent civilians on Uganda soil. Like many DMI agents operating in Uganda, it was Col Ismael Baguma who introduced Mark Rugenza into Rwanda’s external intelligence circle.

Being sharp and street wise, J3 supremo, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe financed Mark Rugenza’s projects, thus the business being used as a channel of DMI/J3 operation funds and laundering of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s dirty money. In short, Mark Rugenza is a DMI agent reporting to treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe through Col Ismael Baguma.
According to sources close to the ongoing investigation in the assassination of Joshua Rugyera Nteireho and Kamukazi Florence; Mark Rugenza is also a person of interest in the assassination. And for the past year, Uganda’s intelligence services have closely been monitoring operational workings of Gabiro bar in Bugolobi, Kampala and Desert Lounge In Mbarara. Under Mark Rugenza management, Gabiro bar in Bugolobi has become a favourite joint of Rwanda’s embassy workers in Kampala, a meeting points of different DMI agents and a point of meeting for regulars from Rwanda.
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