Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Flash Back

Flashback: Poison, Power, and Jealousy – The Shadowed Past of Rwanda’s Ambassadors

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere In the hallowed halls of Makerere University, a saga of poison and power unfolded among the Banyarwanda student association, casting long shadows that extend into the present political landscape of Rwanda. This dramatic episode centered around two prominent figures who are now ambassadors: Emmanuel Hategeka, …

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In 1989: Maj Dr Peter Bayingana, “Paul Kagame Is Physically And Mentally Unfit To Lead”.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere In 1989 during an RPF/A meeting in Muyenga Tank Hill, Kampala, Major Peter Bayingana noted, “Paul Kagame isn’t physically and mentally fit to lead any organisation, anything or command a military section. His a mental case with an art of lying and intrigues.” Major Dr …

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Criminal Paul Kagame’s 2023 Foreign Trips, A Serous Reduction From His Average Of 40 Plus Foreign trips Per Year

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere Is Criminal Paul Kagame’s reduction of useless foreign trips from 44 in 2019 to 25 in 2023, a change of policy – fiscal discipline or his being isolated internationally? Due to his endless and useless foreign trips, the brutal dictator – Paul Kagame has been …

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By: Rpf Gakwerere This past Saturday, 13th February 21, a bilateral meeting on Defence and Security between Potato enclave (Rwanda) and Democratic Republic of Congo convened in Kigali to review security pact signed when accidental president Felix Tshisekedi came to power. The meeting also assessed achievements and shortcomings faced since …

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Archive: Fortunat Biselele Talks On Trade Deals DR Congo Offered To Criminal Paul Kagame (7th January 2023).

This revelation by President Felix Tshisekedi’s principal advisor, Fortunat Biselele, illustrates how Criminal PaulKagame is a cancer to the region. DR Congo have tried their best to accommodate Kagame and his greedy lust for minerals, but the man never gets satisfied. In the interview, Fortunat Biselele talks on trade deals …

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A March 2019 Photo Of President Felix Tshisekedi Meeting A Delegation From Dictator Paul Kagame

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere The photo below was taken in March 2019 when President Felix Tshisekedi was still taking orders from Criminal Paul Kagame in the name of building good relationship. In the photo below, President Felix Tshisekedi was surrounded by Criminal Paul Kagame’s notorious assassins. * On President …

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Rwanda’s Bush War Hero Maj Mupende Undresses Kagame On Gen Fred Rwigyema Death Lies, Uganda Support In RPA War.

By Major Michael Mupende Fellow Rwandans, ladies and gentlemen, this again is Major Michael Mupende. After I watched and listened to President Paul Kagame’s speech during the recent wedding ceremony of the late General Fred Gisa Rwigyema’s daughter. Considering the weight of the message the speech carried and my best …

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