By: Rpf Gakwerere
On Monday, 9th September 19, I posted on how Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi returned back to Rwanda to take up his new appointment as director of DMI while his family is staying behind in USA with plans of being smuggled to USA to seek asylum under false storyline.
Earlier in the week, Sources from USA indicated that Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s wife – Nadine Nyakarundi (alias Immaculee Uwimana) and children will be heading to Portland, Maine, where they will start planning for ways to be trafficked to Quebec, Canada to seek asylum.

Dear oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans, the wife – Nadine Nyakarundi and children of Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi won’t step a foot in what Kagamist goons refer as African Singapore. While Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi is returning to crash, kidnap, incarcerate, torture and assassinate innocent people; he has left his family in the west to enjoy democracy, all freedoms, better education and health, human rights and rights to live.
My source has just informed me that, under the cover of secrecy, the family of Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi arrived in Portland, Maine, from Washington on 8th September 19. On Wednesday, 11 September 19, Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s family was trafficked from Maine, USA to Canada through Quebec border entry.
According to my source, Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s wife – Nadine Nyakarundi (alias Immaculee Uwimana) and children are now in Gatineau, western Quebec, where they are preparing a dossier to seek asylum with the help of a well paid lawyer that they have hired. These are bogus asylum seekers.
On one hand, the head of the family – Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi is part of an oppressing machinery that kidnaps, incarcerates, tortures and kills, on the other hand, he has helped his wife – Nadine Nyakarundi (alias Immaculee Uwimana) and children to be smuggled to Canada to seek asylum.
On 16th September 19, Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s wife – Nadine Nyakarundi and children, will be going at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in Ottawa to seek asylum.
Just imagine, a family of an oppressor seeking asylum? While assassin Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi is kidnapping, torturing, incarcerating and assassinating innocent Rwandans, his wife and children are in preparation of seeking asylum in Canada.
In short, these are bogus asylum seekers who ought to be returned to their potato enclave and enjoy what the satanic system has to offer, because the head of the family – Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi is an anchor in the satanic system which commits human right atrocities on daily basis.
Flash back
Within criminal Paul Kagame’s satanic system, there are those banyampi (goons) who are smart by projecting that the satanic system’s survival isn’t sustainable. Despite serving the brutal regime and being part of the brutal machinery, they still understand that the satanic system will totally collapse as its totalitarian isn’t sustainable.
These banyampi (goons) have smartly evacuated their families in western countries, and helped their families to obtain asylum/Refugee status under pretence of fleeing from Rwanda’s dictatorship, the same dictatorship their partners are serving.
On Monday, 2019, dictactor Paul Kagame appointed Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi as a director of DMI replacing a sacked Col Andrew Nyamvumba. Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s appointment comes at the back of the USA’s refusal to renew his diplomatic visa as Rwanda’s military attache to USA and Canada. All sources point out that the refusal of USA to renew his diplomatic Visa was due to his subversive activities especially against anti Kagame dissidents and anti Kagame pressure groups.
Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi who has built his professional career in the enclave’s brutal intelligence agencies didn’t return back to Rwanda with his wife – Nadine Nyakarundi (alias Immaculee Uwimana) and children, preferring to leave them behind. Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi has followed the metaphor set by the enclave’s imposter prime minister Édouard Ngirente, who in 2017 returned on his own to take the prime ministerial post while the family remained behind seeking asylum against a regime that the head of the family will head as a new prime minister.

In the past years, we have seen the wife and children of Gen Patrick Nyamvumba, the current chief of staff leaving the enclave and seeking asylum in Canada. They are now enjoying all God’s given rights in Canada while the head of the family is abusing rights of innocent people.

In the past years, we have seen treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s wife and children relocate to Canada. They are now enjoying all God given rights in Canada, while the head of the family – Gen James Kabarebe is destroying lives through kidnapping, torture, incarceration, assassinations and economic plundering.

Oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans have seen how the wife and children of Evode Uwizeyimana – Minister of State for Justice Responsible for Constitutional Affairs are enjoying God’s given rights in Canada, while the head of the family is serving the most brutal regime in history of mankind.

The above Kagamist goons and others that I will be mentioning in near future, are sly goons that feed criminal Paul Kagame with paranoia information, pretend while infront of him, refer the enclave as an African Singapore yet deep in their hearts/minds they think otherwise. Why are these senior Kagamist goons shipping their families to the west to seek asylum? Imagine, your a chief of staff and yet your wife and children are living somewhere as asylum seeker/refugee, in case of Gen Patrick Nyamvumba and his wife, Jacqueline Nyamvumba.
As I post this, Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s wife – Nadine Nyakarundi (alias Immaculee Uwimana) and children, on 16th September 19, they will be going at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in Ottawa to seek asylum. What does this tell us about criminal Paul Kagame and his satanic system? What does it tell us about Criminal Paul Kagame’s concept of the potato enclave as an African Singapore?
His official names are Nadine Nyakarundi, and after appointing her intelligence husband into the role of military intelligence attache, she adopted the names of Immaculee Uwimana as a distant intelligence disconnection from the husband. Most of those in Rwanda’s intelligence, their partners don’t usually use their surnames.
Which names is Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s wife going to use while seeking for asylum in Canada.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page) or at my blog –
However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.