By: Rpf Gakwerere
History always repeat itself, it is very interesting to analyse mind-boggling insanity of dictators, contemporary political dictators always have attaching resemblance of those in the past. There behaviours, comportment and exploits are the same. They all treat their respective countries as playthings for their own deranged minds.
In case of Rwanda’s insane ruler, his similarities to historical dictators is profound and real. Lets look at Nicolae Ceausescu who attained power in 1965, Romania. Like criminal Paul Kagame, Nicolae Ceausescu was a huge delusional grandeur. He called himself “Geniul din Carpati” (“The Genius of the Carpathians”), the genius. We always here how Kagame refers to himself as the only person with reason in Rwanda, once referring to Rwandan intellectuals as “idiots (injiji) who can’t reason beyond their ties.”

In 1980, Genius Ceausescu wanted a palace to further cement his godlike status. He planned it in the middle of the most historical part of town, and it required the destruction of 19 churches, six synagogues and 30,000 homes. Lauded as the biggest building in the world after the Pentagon, the project was ambitious to the point of stupidity. It cost Romania $10 billion and required a team of 700 architects.
In case of Rwanda, Paul Kagame’s junta government borrowed more than 600 million USA dollars to finance Kigali Convention Centre project, which has turned out to be a poor investment in relation to current returns. The project is on was a loss-making track. Due to financial difficulties, they have started switching off the lights which dazzled the building and adjacent hotels.

This year, the mental dictator built a 10000-seater basketball arena for a country that has next to no basketball tournament, remember this is a potato enclave with overcrowded and dilapidated hospitals and schools. All hospitals were built in pre genocide era, and meant for a population of less than 5 Million people, now, the enclave’s health services is at busting point with a population of more than 12 million people.
These are some of the white wash – elephant project envisaged by a mediocrity junta regime. A country which lacks sufficient oxygen in several of her hospitals, with one cancer scanner which is overbooked, opting for white elephant projects because of a deranged ruler who prefers self aggrandization than tackling the basic needs of the citizens.
Back to Ceausescu, the West was friendly to Ceausescu because he was so crazy that even other communists hated him. The British even knighted him, and France granted him its Legion of Honor. This only fed his mad delusions, so he demanded that his nearly illiterate wife, Elena, be made a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the Royal Institute of Chemistry.
For years, we have seen how the west have decorated the Rwandan criminal. He is a friend to the Clintons and the Blairs. Through harsh and intensive lobbying, galvanised by excessive cash, Rwanda’s criminal has received all types of awkward awards. His former wife, Jeannette Kagame Gasana also being flashed with awards.
In Romania, Ceausescu crowned his wife Alena “Comrade-Academician-Doctor-Engineer,” and all top scientists had to include her name in their research thesis and academic papers. We have seen how honorary PHDs have been given to the Kagames. The wife being referred in all AIDS, women and orphanage research works in Rwanda. With former minister of health, the corrupt Binagwaho Agnes thanking Jeannette Kagame Gasana’s input in helping her complete her PHD thesis at the failing Butare University.
Ceausescu also proclaimed his son Nicu, an alcoholic, womanizing son, to be a “scientist of international reputation” and alleged that he had published several volumes on nuclear physics. To Ceausescu, the only thing that mattered in Romania was him and his family. The rest of the issues where secondary.
This is analogous to what is happening in criminal Kagame’s Potato Enclave – Rwanda. Everything is about him and his family. He has economically grabbed all that is needed to be grabbed, socially destituting the populace in the name of family power, raped the constitution and turned the country into his family property. Kagame=Rwanda!!
In 1989, the entire country – Romania flipped out in an uprising. Ceausescu tried to calm the crowds with one of his many stammering speeches, but it only made them angrier. Halfway through the speech, people started shouting and throwing things.

Ceausescu was captured days later, and in a hasty show trial, Ceausescu and his wife were taken outside and shot. And just to add insult to injury, the queen revoked his knighthood. What goes up, at certain point it will come down.

No rain which doesn’t stop. No night which doesn’t end. Like Romanians rose against Ceausescu and his brutality, soon Rwandans will also liberate themselves from the current brutal, heinous and despicable regime of criminal Paul Kagame.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.