By: Prof Charles Kambanda
In a Kinyarwanda Voice of America program today, General Mubaraka Muganga, confirmed what some people know already:
(a) Kagame’s troops conduct military operations in DR Congo; killing Rwandans and Congolese suspected of “fighting” Kagame junta.
(b) Kagame’s troops use Rwandair to conduct and/or facilitate military operations in DR Congo.

This reckless revelation by Kagame’s General has many implications:
(i) Kagame’s army is responsible for the carnage in DR Congo
(ii) Rwandair is no longer a civilian installation, per The Geneva Conventions of 1949; the armed groups fighting Kagame in DRC are entitled to treat Rwandair as a military facility. Rwandair is a legitimate military target in DRC war.
(iii) By using Rwandair in violation of The Geneva Conventions of 1949, Kagame is guilty of war crimes.