Tuesday , 25 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

Since November 1990, when President Museveni appointed criminal Paul Kagame as the coordinator of Rwanda Patriotric Army, the 57 Kg skinny Dictator started building a ruthless system that was based on betrayal, spread of blood and intrigues. For one to raise/rise or survive through this new Kagamist system, he/she has to be skillful in the art of deception, lies, hypocrisy and pretence. And above all, willing to idolise and worship criminal Paul Kagame.

Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli, a francophone Rwandan, who was born and raised in Burundi, didn’t rise through the military hierarchy on the basis of professional army criteria. For decades, the top echelons of the army constituted Rwandans from Uganda, and initially, Dictator Paul Kagame trusted this base unlike today, where loyalty and trust has been shifted to Rwandans from Burundi. For Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli to be trusted by the then senior military officers who came from Uganda, he had to sell his soul, humanist character and consciousness.

Lt General Jacques Musemakweli

Soon, he became Major (Now Major General) Jack Nziza’s blue eyed boy, constantly feeding death merchant Jack Nziza with rumours from fellow soldiers, especially middle ranking military officers. Initially, Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli’s quietness was taken as humbleness and gentlemanship, until middle ranking officers discovered his real nature, by this time majority had been incarcerated, eliminated or dismissed from the army.

Maj Gen Jack Musemakweli is a creation of death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza. It is well known within Rwanda’s Defence Force, how Maj Gen Jack Nziza is extremely generous to those who work for him. During his hey days, before being sidelined, death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza awarded his pet boys and girls with juice jobs and appointments, ranks and key deployments. Francophone Jack Musemakweli managed to enter into Jack Nziza’s circle of trusted informers, and soon became one of his trusted blue eyed boy.

Death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza

Maj Gen Jack Nziza assigned him with the task of profiling Rwandans from Burundi, especially those in the army, an intelligence role that Jacques Musemakweli used to create trouble for fellow middle ranking military officers from Burundi.

Different sources indicates that in 1999, Captain (died as Lt General) Jacques Musemakweli was used by death merchant Jack Nziza to spy on Captain Eddy Rwigema and Major Jean Paul Birasa, who were Rwandans born in Burundi. The two innocent military officers were brutally assassinated in that same year – 1999, by Paul Kagame’s presidential guard unit, in assassination operation that was led by dictator Paul Kagame’s distant cousin, Col Silas Udahemuka, who was then a Captain and head of presidential guard intelligence.

In early 2000, Death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza reported to Paul Kagame the current Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Jean Bosco Kazura and Col Diogene Mudenge, who were then Captains, as individuals who are always whinging about Paul Kagame’s leadership especially favouritism within the army, and this fake information that Jack Nziza fed Paul Kagame had come from Jacques Musemakweli. The two officers, who are friends since their adult lives, were saved by Lt Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa’s intervention. When Paul Kagame and Kayumba Nyamwasa asked Jack Nziza the source of his information, they were told the information was from domestic house boys and house girls planted in homes of these respective army officers . But the true source of this fabricated information was Jacques Musemakweli.

Rise of Jacques Musemakweli

After being trusted, Jack Nziza turned Jacques Musemakweli into his blue eyed boy, he started speaking highly about him to treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe, and sly Kabarebe started forwarding Jacques Musemakweli for rank promotions. With Jack Nziza and James Kabarebe’s support, ranks and positions came fast for Jacques Musemakweli, thus becoming an integral part of James Kabarebe’s J3 mafia network.

Jack Nziza and James Kabarebe marketed Jacques Musemakweli to Criminal Paul Kagame with all sorts of praises. These were times when Paul Kagame trusted Jack Nziza and James Kabarebe to the core. With positive recommendations from these two military officers, dictator Paul Kagame started appointing Jacques Musemakweli to key critical positions. Jacques Musemakweli became a deputy commander of Airforce, head of Directorate of Military Intelligence, head of presidential guard Division, Army Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff – Reserve Forces and Inspector General of Army, a position he held up to his death. Jacques Musemakweli’s promotions were marked with betrayal, blood of innocent people and intrigues.

Was Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli assassinated?

All sources from Dictator Paul Kagame’s army and intelligence points to foul play in his death. They all affirm that Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli didn’t have any known health issue(s), he wasn’t suffering from any chronic disease. He was a health middle-aged man. He didn’t drink or smoke, and his health was in perfect condition.

This week, he did his work as usual and attended all work schedules and engagements. According to sources, it was on Wednesday, 10th February 21, when he started complaining of stomach pains. While at work, on Thursday, morning, 11th February 21, the stomach pains worsened and he went to roi fayçal hospital for medical consultation, and he was sent to Kanombe army hospital for medical checkups. It was here that his health condition worsened. The stomach pains worsened, he started vomiting and fatigue, and he was immediately admitted.

At around 01:30 AM Kigali time, 12th February 21, he was pronounced dead due to multiple organ failure, and within few minutes of his death, I shared the information of his death on my social media platform.

A middle ranking military officer who gave me the info noted, “Afande Musemakweli has just died, he must have been given the same water he served a promising young officer, Maj Jean Claude Kalisa.”

Major Jean Claude Kalisa assassinated on 22nd February 2017

A senior Military officer notes, “Yes Jacques is dead, the man was killed. You don’t need to be in intelligence to add up the  dots. You well know that the country is in a state of fear and uncertainty since last year. There is too much suspicions and intrigues in the army, and ruling class in general. The president’s health issues are no longer a secret, the killing of Jacques is a path to where we are heading, a very turbulent future.”

Communique from Rwanda’s Ministry of Defence and Rwanda Defence spokesman.

At 7:38 AM, 12th February 21, Rwanda’s Ministry of Defence finally decided to announce about Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli’s death, the ministry notes on twitter:

“The Rwanda Defence Force is deeply saddened to announce the untimely death of Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli. He passed away on Thursday 11 February 2021 at the Rwanda Military Hospital, Kanombe following a natural death.”

Communique from Ministry of Defence

The ministry stated that he died of a natural death. In lame words, it is death that occurs through the course of nature and from natural causes i.e age or diseases. Rwanda’s ministry of Defence was ruling out the involvement of external causes in Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli’s death. Natural death means the person did not take his/her own life and they were not killed by somebody else or in an accident such as a car crash or drug overdose.

Few minutes after the statement from the Ministry of Defence, Rwanda’s Army spokesman, Col Ronald Rwivanga tells journalists, “It is true he passed on last night, but further details will be communicated in due course. For now, we are still verifying the cause of death.” According to Col Ronald Rwivanga, the cause of death is still being investigated.

Panic at Village Urugwiro State House

It was the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Jean Bosco Kazura who informed his boss – criminal Paul Kagame on the death of Rwanda’s Inspector General of army – Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli.

On the left, Gen Jean Bosco Kazura and Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe

According to reliable sources, the death news shocked criminal Paul Kagame because he knew his house boy general as being healthy and living a disciplined health lifestyle. After being briefed on the cause of death, dictator Paul Kagame instructed for a postmortem and the findings be directly given to him. He instructed Gen Jean Bosco Kazura to delay the announcement until given further instructions.

After being informed on the death of his trusted house boy general, criminal Paul Kagame who sensed foul play, immediately called Brig. Gen. Ephrem Rurangwa, Commandant of Rwanda Military Hospital (RMH), and instructed him to personally supervise the postmortem investigation and the report be given directly to him.

Then, Dictator Paul Kagame went on a frenzy of calls to different individuals within the satanic regime ruling the enclave – Rwanda, particularly trying to find movements of Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli in the last 7 days. Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli’s ADC spent the whole day, yesterday, 12 February 21, being questioned by operatives from Presidential guard Division.

Dictator Paul Kagame knows very well how Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli was of recently being hated by the same people who empowered him, James Kabarebe and his J3 mafia network.

In October 2018, after being dumped as minister of defence, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe started blaming Brig Gen Dan Munyuza and Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli as people who were feeding Paul Kagame with wrong info on him. “Whenever Jacques met the president, he would tell me, but of recently he doesn’t tell me, I get the information from other people that he has been with the president. It is obviously, he doesn’t tell me because his there to brief the president about some of us,” a worried James Kabarebe used to tell colleagues in 2018 before being dumped as minister of defence.

After the sidelining of James Kabarebe, Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli started avoiding him. This is the nature of all Kagamist goons and minions. Once you’re no longer in Paul Kagame’s favour book, all other members of the satanic system will start avoiding you at all cost. The satanic system is composed of satanic creatures with no single human value. Demonic lots.

The autopsy report

According to reliable sources, a preliminary postmortem autopsy report was given to Dictator Paul Kagame at around 7:00 AM, Kigali time, 12th February 21. And after receiving the report, a vividly unhappy Kagame summoned his trusted military officers for a meeting. A meeting which started around 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, 12th February 21. All the military officers who attended the meeting were Rwandans born from Burundi except Lt Gen Jean-Jacques Mupenzi, Army Chief of Staff.

Lt Gen Jean-Jacques Mupenzi

The RDF spokesman statement to journalists was correctly worded, Col Ronald Rwivanga’s words to journalists were true, as noted above, he told journalists that, “It is true he passed on last night, but further details will be communicated in due course. For now, we are still verifying the cause of death.”

The verification is the investigation which is personally being led by Paul Kagame himself to know the people behind the callous assassination of Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli. But currently, all fingers are pointing at treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his notorious J3 mafia network.

Stay tuned

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog – rpfgakwerere.org.

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog rpfgakwerere.org was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.

About Gakwerere

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