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Home » Uganda: You Have To Admire Mr Muhammad Ssegirinya’s (alias Mr Update) Political Manoeuvre Through Drama Acting.

Uganda: You Have To Admire Mr Muhammad Ssegirinya’s (alias Mr Update) Political Manoeuvre Through Drama Acting.

By Rpf Gakwerere

1) Mr Muhammad Ssegirinya wins a parliamentary seat election with a landslide.

2) Uncovered that he doesn’t have the necessary education qualification, using forged (fake) documents and impersonating a lady’s qualification in order to register as a parliamentary candidate.

3) Mr Muhammad Ssegirinya did what Segirinya usually does. To avoid scrutiny from the press and the public in regard to forged documents and impersonation, he staged a demonstration drama few metres away from a Police station attracting arrest from the police for illegal assembly – demonstration. He demonstrated the art of deviation, jail became his sanctuary from the hounding press and the public, as he planned his next move.

4) After being bailed, he rushed to Nairobi to seek medical treatment, all those who know Mr Muhammad Ssegirinya alias Mr Update know that this is Kakuyege to avoid scrutiny for using forged documents and impersonation. Note, to be allowed to leave the country while on bail is something unusual, unless approved by the court.

5) Last night, Mr Muhammad Ssegirinya did what we all expect of him, came out crying how Museveni regime has usually tortured him. This is very fresh coming from a former Kale Kayihura informer. Obviously, gullible believed in his drama, for those who have known Ssegirinya for years, know his drama.

6) In May, few days to swearing in for Mambers of Parliament, Mr Update will be returning to Kampala, at this time, it will be late to file court papers for election crimes, and no legal proceeding can stop him except after being sworn in as a Member of Parliament.

7) Once sworn in, Muhammad Ssegirinya alias Mr Update will use Peter Sematimba or Kato Lubwama’s play book. Peter Sematimba and Kato Lubwama have all finished a parliamentary term despite having legal cases on their education qualification, entering parliament through false pretence and not providing required education documents to Electoral commission.

Mr Update’s game plan is high level. At his situation, this is a good game plan. From his video in Nairobi, he got political sympathy from his base. Meanwhile, Sulaiman Kidandala and his group are in a tight corner as Mr Update outplays them with his political manoeuvring through his drama.

Muhammad Ssegirinya

One thing with Muhammad Ssegirinya alias Mr Update, the man isn’t at all hateful, and you will never hear him preach divisionism or tribalism. In person, Mr Update is totally a good person with no single hate for anyone; and his good at manipulating his gullible base through his political drama. Over the years, Mr Update has mastered the art of using any form of media to market and promote his personality; and he has greatly achieved this through political drama acting.

About Gakwerere

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