Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Home » Rencontre à haut risque avec le général d’une milice en RDC (Kivu : épisode 1)

Rencontre à haut risque avec le général d’une milice en RDC (Kivu : épisode 1)

By: Rpf Gakwerere

I always feel sorry for DR Congo, the country, with its enormous natural resources and extremely excellent soil. DR Congo should be out matching Western Europe or North America in all aspects. Unfortunately, the country ranks the lowest in all levels of economic, social, developmental, security and human rights indicators.

For those who didn’t dodge French classes/lessons (understand French), you can watch the clip below and see what is known as ‘a purified peasant rebel commander.’ And such peasant rebel ‘commanders’ are allover DR Congo, and they are involved in all sorts of human rights atrocities and illegal mineral trades.

In the clip, my heart goes to the journalist for being all that brave. Totally worth watching. 👇👇👇

About Gakwerere

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