By: Rpf Gakwerere
For years, each kidnapping, torture, incarceration and killing committed by criminal Paul Kagame; Olivier Nduhungirehe is always the first person to come out and supports the atrocities. No single kidnapping, torture, disappearance, incarceration and killing that he hasn’t defended, supported and celebrated.
Even when members of the satanic system are hit by their master – criminal Paul Kagame, he will come out and support dictator Paul Kagame’s hit without considering the people Kagame is hitting are his ‘work colleagues.’ The dude is a purified sadist.
Through various pseudo social media accounts, Olivier Nduhungirehe has traumatised innocent Rwandans and celebrated their demise. He is a selfish political opportunist who is ready to say or do anything for his survival within the satanic system.
Despite years of celebrating human rights atrocities committed on innocent people, it seems his sins are catching up with him. The Almighty God has ways of repaying sinners, it may take time, but the wrath of God always catches up with sinners, especially those a-washed in blood of innocent people.
Since last year, something has steadily been eating up Olivier Nduhungirehe. The sly political opportunist has been depreciating like Rwanda currency – Rwanda Francs.

Has this notorious Kagamist goon been given Munyuza liquid, the one that kills slowly? How will history remember this notorious Kagamist goon who has supported and celebrated criminal Paul Kagame’s human rights atrocities and economic plundering? What will be his legacy among oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans?