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Home » After The Capture Of Power In 1994, The First Thing Dictator Paul Kagame Did Was To Travel To America For The Treatment Of His Weed Infected – Decaying Teeth. 

After The Capture Of Power In 1994, The First Thing Dictator Paul Kagame Did Was To Travel To America For The Treatment Of His Weed Infected – Decaying Teeth. 

By: Rpf Gakwerere

In 1994, the first thing dictactor Pilato did after being the vice – president at the same time minister of defence, was to travel to USA for dental treatment and teeth modification. Since then, the brutal dictactor has been showing his dental outlook – formula to oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans.

Since his senior four vacation, criminal Paul Kagame turned into a chain smoker of both cigarettes and hard substances, those who studied with him at Kampala Senior Secondary School or those who served with him in Uganda know of his obsession for Cigarette and weed.

In his A level days at Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, too much weed always sent him to go after sugar mummies. It was due to excessive abuse of hard substances (weed and Mairungi/crispy khat) and his other obsession of sugar mummies that made young spoilt Paul Kagame dropout of his A level at Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, and turning into a Mufere (conman along Wilson and William streets).

After Rwanda Patriotric Army (RPA) capturing power in 1994, criminal Paul Kagame installed himself vice-president and minister of defence, he was the defacto president, since the then president – Pasteur Bizimungu was a mere poster without any single power. Within DMI, President Pasteur Bizimungu was always referred as speech reader. His main role was reading speeches.

In 1994, as a vice-president and minister of defence, criminal Paul Kagame embezzled the first consignment of donor funds that arrived for the reconstruction of Rwanda, and he used this emergency fund meant for post war reconstruction to travel abroad – USA, for medical treatment. It was Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, Rwanda’s then Ambassador in Washington that booked for him all medical appointments including the dental appointment to treat his various dental problems that included mouth smell.

Since end of 1994 to present, criminal Paul Kagame has continuously used Boston, Massachusetts, as a medical hub for his health issues. Currently, Boston Massachusetts is where the Kagames have their General Practitioner (Personal Doctor). This is were the whole family go for their medical screening and treatments.

If there is anyone in the world who should have been humble, criminal Paul Kagame should have been on top of the list. Unfortunately, due to too much blood of innocent people, the dictator has forgotten who he was yesterday, and how he was picked from the streets of Kampala by then 22 year old Captain Fred Rwigema. A great human being that sly – cold blooded Paul Kagame brutally assassinated in 1990.

Read Michela Wrong Chronicles, “Do Not Disturb: The Story of a Political Murder and an African Regime Gone Bad,” the book describes criminal Paul Kagame’s life from when he was a young refugee in Uganda to his primary school, to Ntare School to Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, to Kampala streets, to Luwero where he was nicknamed Pilato due to his killings and intrigues, to Basiima House where his main job was to report on activities of his fellow soldiers and back to Rwanda.

The clip below was taken on 13 May 1994, criminal Paul Kagame still had cigarette – weed decaying teeth.

About Gakwerere

Home » After The Capture Of Power In 1994, The First Thing Dictator Paul Kagame Did Was To Travel To America For The Treatment Of His Weed Infected – Decaying Teeth. 

After The Capture Of Power In 1994, The First Thing Dictator Paul Kagame Did Was To Travel To America For The Treatment Of His Weed Infected – Decaying Teeth. 

By: Rpf Gakwerere

In 1994, the first thing dictactor Pilato did after being the vice – president at the same time minister of defence, was to travel to USA for dental treatment and teeth modification. Since then, the brutal dictactor has been showing his dental outlook – formula to oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans.

Since his senior four vacation, criminal Paul Kagame turned into a chain smoker of both cigarettes and hard substances, those who studied with him at Kampala Senior Secondary School or those who served with him in Uganda know of his obsession for Cigarette and weed.

In his A level days at Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, too much weed always sent him to go after sugar mummies. It was due to excessive abuse of hard substances (weed and Mairungi/crispy khat) and his other obsession of sugar mummies that made young spoilt Paul Kagame dropout of his A level at Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, and turning into a Mufere (conman along Wilson and William streets).

After Rwanda Patriotric Army (RPA) capturing power in 1994, criminal Paul Kagame installed himself vice-president and minister of defence, he was the defacto president, since the then president – Pasteur Bizimungu was a mere poster without any single power. Within DMI, President Pasteur Bizimungu was always referred as speech reader. His main role was reading speeches.

In 1994, as a vice-president and minister of defence, criminal Paul Kagame embezzled the first consignment of donor funds that arrived for the reconstruction of Rwanda, and he used this emergency fund meant for post war reconstruction to travel abroad – USA, for medical treatment. It was Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, Rwanda’s then Ambassador in Washington that booked for him all medical appointments including the dental appointment to treat his various dental problems that included mouth smell.

Since end of 1994 to present, criminal Paul Kagame has continuously used Boston, Massachusetts, as a medical hub for his health issues. Currently, Boston Massachusetts is where the Kagames have their General Practitioner (Personal Doctor). This is were the whole family go for their medical screening and treatments.

If there is anyone in the world who should have been humble, criminal Paul Kagame should have been on top of the list. Unfortunately, due to too much blood of innocent people, the dictator has forgotten who he was yesterday, and how he was picked from the streets of Kampala by then 22 year old Captain Fred Rwigema. A great human being that sly – cold blooded Paul Kagame brutally assassinated in 1990.

Read Michela Wrong Chronicles, “Do Not Disturb: The Story of a Political Murder and an African Regime Gone Bad,” the book describes criminal Paul Kagame’s life from when he was a young refugee in Uganda to his primary school, to Ntare School to Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, to Kampala streets, to Luwero where he was nicknamed Pilato due to his killings and intrigues, to Basiima House where his main job was to report on activities of his fellow soldiers and back to Rwanda.

The clip below was taken on 13 May 1994, criminal Paul Kagame still had cigarette – weed decaying teeth.

About Gakwerere