Tuesday , 22 October 2024
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Home » Kagame “no show” for end of Summit group photo. Why? It was disastrous Summit for him.

Kagame “no show” for end of Summit group photo. Why? It was disastrous Summit for him.

By: Prof Charles Kambanda

Paul Kagame “no show” for end of Summit group photo. Why? It was disastrous Summit for him.

1. Almost all Kagame’s former friends and lobbyists abandoned him for Felix Tshisekedi. The brute is suffering unprecedented isolation!

2. Felix Tshisekedi out shined Kagame throughout the Summit. This is not a phenomenon Kagame’s psyche can cope up with.

3. Felix Tshisekedi struck master deals with USA government.

4. Biden vowed to help DR Congo to bump off Kagame’s RDF/M23 from Eastern DR Congo and asked Angola, Zambia, South Africa, EAC to work with DRC to get rid of Kagame’s RDF/M23.

5. Biden appointed one of Kagame’s arch “enemies” to manage $55 Billion Budget to implement U.S.A – Africa leaders Summit projects! Kagame is unlikely to benefit from this fund!

6. Organizations that often host Kagame, including Milken Institute, were unwilling to host him this time.

7. The interview Kagame paid for, with Aljazeera freelancer, turned into diplomatic disaster for Kagame!

8. Kagame has turned into stinking liability for any reasonable world leader.

N.B: Kagame, who advises you on international issues (International Politics)? You are a typical middle school dropout. Oh boy!!!!!!

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