Wednesday , 26 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere
Yesterday, 30th May 19, at 01:30 AM Rwanda time, Rwanda’s special force batallion with the approval of the already failing government of Felix Tshisekedi entered DR Congo through Manda near Kamanyola, South Kivu.
Once in DR Congo, this Rwanda special force batallion found FARDC military trucks waiting for them, which transported them and their materials to Uvira in South Kivu.
Despite the enormous man power which includes Burundian rebel group of Red Tabara, Mai Mai and two Special forces from Rwanda; Banyamulenge are still holding ground against these well armed genocidaire forces which are led, trained and logistically supported by Rwanda.
For the past four months, the head of Rwanda’s intelligence services – Col Anaclet Kalibata has visited Kinshasa six times to meet Felix TSHISEKEDI and people close to his weak administration.
What has been happening in Uvira – Fizi area against Banyamulenge, the new weak president – Felix TSHISEKEDI is in agreement with it after giving criminal Paul Kagame his green light to conduct operations in South Kivu, in DR Congo.
According to reliable sources in Kigali, President Felix TSHISEKEDI has also allowed Burundian rebels to establish rear bases in South Kivu and directly stopped Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) against conducting operations on any Burundian rebel group operating in South Kivu, DR Congo. This policy is contrary to policies held by former president – Joseph Kabila.
Orders to stop FARDC from intervening in annihilation of Banyamulenge in Uvira – Fizi area came directly from DR Congo’s weak president – Felix TSHISEKEDI. The weak leadership in Kinshasa is a complicity to annihilation of Banyamulenge by allowing free access RDF and its various supported rebels to attack them.
In this packed with criminal Paul Kagame, President Felix TSHISEKEDI has also allowed Burundian rebel groups to establish rear bases in South Kivu.

About Gakwerere

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