The same price tag criminal Paul Kagame put on General Kayumba Nyamwasa’s head, it is the same price he has placed on the head of Uganda’s chief of Military Intelligence – CMI, Brig Gen Abel Kandiho and ISO chief Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda. The assassination tag on Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa was $ 2 million (US dollars) and now increased any amount as long as the assassination is done, the same tag price placed on Gen Abel Kandiho and Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda.

To criminal Paul Kagame, Gen Abel Kandiho and Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda ought to meet their creator by all means necessary and at all costs. Criminal Paul Kagame considers these two patriotic Ugandans as the main obstacle to any of his plans in Uganda.

For the past two years, this incorruptible patriotic Ugandan officers have become the main block in DMI operations within Uganda. They are always being insulted by DMI owned and managed tabloids and their lives in constant danger of being eliminated, but these haven’t deterred them from performing their patriotic duties. Unlike previous CMI chiefs and ISO chiefs who accepted monetary advances from Kigali, thus turning into double agents.

Gen Abel Kandiho and Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda have remained true to their oath of protecting citizens and Uganda against any form of terrorism, both coming from internal or external.
For the past two years, the head of Uganda desk, Gen James Kabarebe with the aid of Gen Dan Munyuza have been coordinating this sanctioned hit against CMI and ISO supremo – Gen Abel Kandiho and Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda, respectively. It is a J3 coordinated operation. We have to remember that J3 under the supervision of Gen James Kabarebe has coordinated very high profile assassinations including that of Col Patrick Karegeya (a story of another time), journalist charles ingabire…..etc.
In 2015, in Burundi, J3 network caused carnage in eliminating senior army and intelligence officers who were close to president Peter Nkirunziza, in different spectacular assassinations which are reminiscent of Hollywood action movie scripts.
Whatever happens to Brig Gen Abel Kandiho and Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda, criminal Paul Kagame and his assassins are responsible. These are the same criminals who have perpetrated assassinations of highly Ugandan military personnel and great NRM cadres. For example, the assassination of Gen James Kazini, Gen Noble Mayombo, Col Sula Semakula, Maj Reuben Ikondere…etc.
For Brig Gen Abel Kandiho and Mzee Col Kaka Bagyenda, these two patriotic Ugandans, are two of the best African brains in counter intelligence – Counter terrorism. They totally deserve to be full Generals.