By: Rpf Gakwerere
Pilato makes 16 ambassadorial changes. Lt Gen Charles Kayonga turned into a real Ikigarasha (gicupuri) as I warned him last year and early this year.
Last in December year 2018 and this year on 11 January 19, I warned Lt Charles Kayonga via my Facebook account that his days within the satanic system are numbered. Obviously, the former Kagamist pet didn’t believe info from corporal.
Previously, He was mild Ikigarasha (gicupuri), today, 15 July 19, he has been turned into a real Kigarasha (Gicupuri).

Let me again warn, Lt Gen Charles Kayonga, if you return back to the enclave, you will definitely be given a one way ticket to the graveyard. In front of Pilato, your a spent force, ikigarasha (gicupuri) who knows too much. For Lt Gen Charles Kayonga, a former Kagamist pet, fire awaits him in case he returns back to the enclave.

On the other hand, the former boyfriend to Jeannette Kagame Gasana, Alfred Kalisa, known as Kalisa BCDI has been moved from the enclave’s ambassadorial post in Angola and moved to Egypt.

In 2007, Pilato grabbed Alfred Kalisa’s bank and then through him in jail. He later released him and he spent years in Kigali as a pauper only to be nominated as Rwanda’s ambassador to Angola in 2015, today he has been relocated to Egypt.