By: Rpf Gakwerere
Within the satanic system ruling the enclave, everyone is dispensable for elimination except criminal Paul Kagame and his family. Therefore, when you see minions and sycophants putting their myopic heads high in assumption that they are members of the satanic system, just give them days, months or years, then the big Kagamist hammer will catch up with them.
Never waste your time debating or arguing with a Kagamist minion or a retarded sycophant, just give them time, soon, they always sober up when Pilato’s hammer hits them. Where is Gen Jack Nziza, Gen Fred Ibingira, Gen Francis Mutiganda, Gen Ceasar Kayizari…..etc? The Kagamist hammer caught up with them.

In the satanic system, there are only two constant factors that remains intact, 1) criminal Paul Kagame and 2) his children, the rest are mere mavi ya kuku including his estranged wife – Jeannette Kagame Gasana.