Friday , 18 October 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’
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Dear all, as a Ugandan who is directly affected by Rwanda’s aggression towards Uganda,iam getting increasingly irritated by the attitude of both Rwandan government and the Rwandans as a people towards Uganda.

Uganda being a natural neighbor and a brotherly state towards Rwanda, doesn’t at all warrant for Rwanda and her people taking Uganda for granted.

I have continuary watched in dismay as Rwanda claims that Uganda harrases Rwandans in Uganda, hehehe, for you who don’t know, Uganda has over six million registered Ugandans of Rwandan origin, add over a million other Rwandan refugees and immigrants,this puts banyarwanda as the second biggest tribe in Uganda next to baganda.

With simply statistics,out of every ten criminals in Uganda,five of them will most probably be banyarwanda,for going by their numbers,they are spread in every sector in Uganda, from boda boda riders,to business men and women in kikubo, cultivators in the districts of Mubende,kakumiro, kiboga, masindi and kibale, half the population are banyarwanda and then cattle keepers throughout the cattle corridor and security personnels especially the crime preventors.

Ladies and gentlemen, through my civil work of defending refugees rights, I have been able to get to see how Uganda is overwhelmed by Rwandans,for instance at police stations like that of old Kampala and others that act as reception centers for the refugees,the number of Rwanda refugees who report on the daily even when the borders are closed is overwhelming, talk about prime minister’s office (OPM)where they go for asylum seeking.

However what hurts me alot, is how despite this burden, Uganda is still potrayed by Rwanda as a hostile state towards her and I even hear my relatives and friends from across affirming these absurdities.

Anyway, my advice to Rwanda is to look into the factors that are pushing your citizens out of their country and try to rectify them instead of expecting Uganda to go around policing every Rwandan in Uganda, for you see Uganda isn’t at all obligated and neither does she have the ability to do such on your behalf,you see as long as there is oppression and suppression of the citizens,they always run and organize themselves to fight back, because rebellion is a natural response to oppression.

And while I was still thinking of the same issue,there comes the family of one Ben Rutabana, also accusing Uganda of arresting this gentleman and as usual iam here asking myself that since when did my country become a pushover by all types of banyarwanda allover the world?

For I know that Ben Rutabana,is neither Ugandan by birth or even citizenship,and how the hell is Uganda expected to take charge of the security and later alone know his where abouts, is something that doesn’t make sense to me and as usual Rwanda will soon blame Uganda for not stopping this rebellious Rwandan from going against his government,hmm.

Any way let me go pray, for today is a Sabbath, perhaps God will help me understand and stop being angry towards these cousins of mine from the south.

About Gakwerere

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