Wednesday , 26 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

After assassin Dan Munyuza failing to get to Bishop Deo Nyirigira, the easiest option was to go after his children who were working in Rwanda. By 2017, assassin Dan Munyuza had turned a personal grudge and personalised it into a political issue. DAN Munyuza, through the powers given to him by his office had managed to tag Bishop Deo Nyirigira to RNC through fabricated evidences, thus giving him the rights to go after his daughters living in Rwanda who had nothing to with politics.

The interrogation through persecution of Bishop Deo Nyirigira’s daughters started at the end of December 2017, 2018,  7th March 19 and the recent incidents of 27 November 2019. For those who understand about the satanic system ruling the potato enclave, the questions are always the same in such fabricated cases of innocent people. In this case, innocent children of Bishop Deo Nyirigira are always dragged to Police stations and DMI offices for interrogation especially about their father whom they have spent years without seeing.

In intelligence interrogations, these types of constantly dragging individuals for questioning are known as harassment or intimidation mechanism. The interrogator expects no new information from the suspect(s), but aims at psychological damage of both the suspect(s) or those connected to the suspect. And these are the ideals behind Dan Munyuza’s mind while persecuting these innocent children or any other innocent person at the approval of criminal Paul Kagame.

In January 2018, Dan Munyuza made sure that Bishop Deo Nyirigira’s daughters were sacked from their jobs. In Rwanda, any individual resented by the ruling satanic system, they will make sure he/she is sacked from his/her job whether in public or private sector. And assassin Dan Munyuza used this tool to punish daughters of Bishop Deo Nyirigira.

1) Liliane Nyirigira was sacked from Korea telecom Rwanda network. A company which is 50% Korean and 50% Rwandan. The only company that provides G4 network in Rwanda.

Liliane Nyirigira

2) Jackie Umuhoza was sacked from MOBOSA, a solar energy company.

Jackie Umuhoza

3) Axelle Umutesi was sacked from RBA and Royal radio. In RBA she used to present an entertainment show K250 and on Royal radio she would present “The morning show.”

Axelle Umutesi

4) Their IDs and travel documents (passports) were confiscated by the state. Sources within the police indicate that this directive was ordered by IGP Dan Munyuza.

According to reliable sources within the RPF secretariat, after being sacked from their jobs in 2018, the daughters of Bishop Deo Nyirigira wrote to RPF secretariat explaining their predicament, informing the RPF secretariat that they aren’t in any sort of politics or have nothing to do with what the regime may be accusing the father of.

These girls being naive, they didn’t know the accuser, the power that the accuser has within the system. Gen Dan Munyuza is the current chief security enforcer who is only answerable to criminal Paul Kagame. When the RPF secretariat received letters from these persecuted girls; RPF secretariat officials inquired and found out that Gen Dan Munyuza was the person behind the persecution.

Assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza, the chief persecutor of Bishop Deo Nyirigira’s daughters

In fear of assassin Dan Munyuza, these RPF secretariat officials dumped these crying letters of innocent people to dustbins. Currently, Dan Munyuza is untouchable, unquestionable, a demi god and only answerable to criminal Paul Kagame. And no body within the RPF secretariat can dare question him about his operation excesses.

Assassin Dan Munyuza didn’t stop there, he went for the husband of Liliane Nyirigira. According to reliable sources within the police, Alain Merci, the husband of Liliane Nyirigira was always called in for police interrogation and asked why he would settle with a daughter of Ikigarasha/ibicupuri (terms used to describe dissidents).

Alain Merci was threatened through constant interrogations by Dan Munyuza’s agents within police, he was instructed to devorce the wife, stop to ever see the wife or the children and never to support them financially. And through fear and egoism, he obeyed.

Rwandans especially those who question the junta system have gone through this type of systematic intimidation. They are mysteriously sacked from their jobs, then DMI penetrates to destroy marriages and family relationships. In this case, Alain Merci opted for the easy option, to dump the marriage and beautiful children for his own survival – life. Alain Merci adopted the jungle model, “survival for the fittest,” “run without turning back.”

In the episodes of persecuting Bishop Deo Nyirigira’s daughters, two grand children below the age of 3 year and 2 of their helper (house girls), on the 7th March 2019, from their house in kacyiru, Kigali, they were kidnapped and taken to a DMI dungeon where they were psychologically tortured and incarcerated for one week, and released on 14th March 19, after a week in IGP Dan Munyuza’s dungeon which is operated by DMI operatives.

In this recent episode, Bishop Deo Nyirigira’s daughter Jackie Umuhoza was kidnapped in early hours of 27th November 19, at her home in Kacyiru, Kigali by Assassin Dan Munyuza’s right hand man – CP Egide Ruzigamanzi, a well known human rights abuser within criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence networks.

Notorious assassin, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi

This was personal grudge by assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza which has turned political through fabrications, and now being used to destroy innocent children, grand children and marriages.

This case represents thousands of such cases of injustice within the totalitarian enclave.


N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.

About Gakwerere

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