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Open letter to Mama late General Gisa Fred Rwigyema and the remaining family members

Re: if no one responds to your call walk alone, walk alone

Dear Mama Rwigyema, I’m very sorry for the untimely passing on of your remaining Baby and daughter Joy Agaba Rwigyema. May the Good Lord God comfort you and give you peace. May God also Rest her soul in eternal peace.

Dear Mama Rwigyema , on the approach of Christmas, ask the girls to decorate Joy Agaba Rwigyema’s room with holly festoons on Christmas eve and let them sing for you Christmas carols songs and let the girls spend much longer time with you each day from the date of burial of Joy Agaba Rwigyema and this will help in restoration of your health and will make you laugh whenever you are with them.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, I know you like funny stories and the girls must make sure you are entertained with funny stories and jokes in your room until the time you will also go to meet Jesus Christ and your son General Gisa Rwigyema Fred and your lovely daughter Joy Agaba Rwigyema.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, I count these last months where you learnt about the killers of your lovely Baby son General Gisa Rwigyema and now the untimely death through assassination of your lovely Baby daughter Joy Agaba to be the crown and climax of your un paralleled career. You were never so great as in these dark hours.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, you have been sad, well nigh over borne, by the tragedies of your recent months, but you must never feel that this involves any breakdown of your life work.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, did you deserve this? I for one, and l am sure I speak the heart of untold millions. I feel it my bounden duty to express my deepest gratitude to you for giving the whole of your life and your ASSASSINATED children to what you and children felt to be the one way to salvation for Rwandan people and mankind. – patriotism and love of work. You and your children have exhibited heroic and demonstrated love in your self and I’m disappointed by the by the Rwandans failure to come and comfort you in this sad times and give a good sendoff of Joy Agaba Rwigyema and she ended going a lone like a thief.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, even Jesus Christ the Son of God suffered under his people the Jews and it is not right to Judge Jesus Christ by his crucifiers and detractors because his goals were too high, his followers human and frail.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, you don’t belong to Rwanda alone. Your suffering and torments and failures in Rwanda is intended to detract from your love message and meaning to the world.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, your children General Gisa Rwigyema Fred and Joy Agaba Rwigyema may be dead in Rwanda and very a live outside Rwanda and they live there and here.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, Jesus Christ may have thought that God had forsaken Him and Mama Rwigyema thinks her people Rwandans have forsaken her. The verdict of History cannot be anticipated by those who make it. The stature of a man’s life is in the eye of the Beholder. Harassed, unhappy, thwarted by those whom you love.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, you cannot see what heights you have attained for Rwandan people, you have done something of endless value to Rwandans society and YOU MAMA and your heroe Son General Gisa Rwigyema have given Rwanda a concrete living demonstration of a different and better life.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, you and your son General Gisa Rwigyema and yourself plus Joy have shown that brutal man with blood on his hands can respond, however briefly to the touch of the spirit because without such moments humanity will loose Faith in itself and the Rwandan community must compare that flash of light with the darkness of Rwandans normal existence. This is an inspiration and haunting those whose actions suggest that they have forgotten about you and your heroic son General Gisa General Gisa Rwigyema. It’s is the seed of conscience and the source of hope.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, you and your heroic son General Gisa Rwigyema engraved an image of goodness on Rwanda’s brain however much Rwandans have made you live in agony.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, it’s intolerable to me that a person like Joy Agaba Rwigyema should not be able to get Rwandans to give her a respectable sendoff. I feel helpless. I have never put with helplessness in all my life and I have to fast, an- all- in fast. It is only when in terms of human effort I have exhausted all resources…that I put my head on God’s lap…God should send me the fast…let our sole prayer be that God may vouch safe me strength of spirit during my fast.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, join me in the fast and I know you might die, but death for you will be a glorious deliverance rather than that you should be a helpless witness to the destruction of your children and grandchildren and Rwanda.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, no one must rush to your house to try to dissuade you, nor must they be anxious for you are in God’s hands. Instead of Rwandans worrying about you they should turn the search light inward , for this is essentially a testing time for a of us.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, Rwanda needs a thorough cleansing of hearts for there is more in life than science and there is more in God than in chemistry.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, let me leave you with your favourite Christian Hymn ” When I survey the wondrous cross” and may you long remain the Jewel of Rwanda.

Dear Mama Rwigyema, I don’t think I have been clear enough to give you any comfort.


Nyangaburofa Mayor.

About Gakwerere

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