By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere
Today, 1st February 2023, frontline situation still the same as yesterday, and fierce fightings are still going on in different fronts. Lets look at FARDC’s effort to recapture criminal Paul Kagame’s focus point of Kitchanga town.
1) On northern entry/exit point of Kitchanga, FARDC is in control of Burungu, none stop fighting has been taking place since Monday 30th February to present, on this northern point, fighting is just 3 to 4 Kilometres out of city centre along Kahe and Mubuu defences.
2) On Western entry/exit points of Kitchanga, fighting is focused on Kilorirwe and Tebero along Kitchanga’s RDF-M23 defences in Kitobo, Bishusha, Sabairo and Kyumba.
3) In South of Kitchanga, in Kishishe alongside Ngololo, Binza and Kalonge, FARDC is fighting against RDF-M23 to cut off RDF-M23 logistic supply line to Kitchanga.
4) RDF-M23 planned offensive from Bishusha to Capture the strategic junction town of Sake through Burungu, Gandjo, Bibatama, Kingi, Masha and then Sake has stalled and Kashari route through Virunga towards Sake has also stalled due to FARDC counter offensives and defences. Sake is a get away to South Kivu, a military operation trajectory point in case criminal Paul Kagame decides to start his military aggression in South Kivu.
After the Capture of Kitchanga, RDF-M23’s next targets were supposed to be the key military strategic junction of Sake, mopping and securing Masisi, and logistically planning the next stage of their military operations, offensives to enter Walikale territory, another eden of all sorts of minerals. But all these RDF-M23 offensives aren’t happening as planned due to FARDC’s constant harassment of RDF-M23 positions, offensives and defences.
Meanwhile, battles in different hot spots are continuing.
Back to my usual outcry, the Greatlakes region will never see or taste any peace as long as criminal Paul Kagame is still the ruler of Rwanda.