Wednesday , 26 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

On the Christmas eve, while criminal Paul Kagame and members of his inner circle were enjoying wine and fine cuisine prepared by a Moroccan chef, at village Urugwiro. On the streets of Kigali, criminal Paul Kagame’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) was spilling blood of innocent Rwandans.

For past two years, innocent Rwandans have been brutally eliminated for merely visiting Uganda with accusations of being Ugandan spies – Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) collaborators. Those who are suspected of being collaborators are eliminated without any due process.

Like thousands of innocent people who have perished at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame, on 24th December 19, was the turn of Eddie Bagamba to be assassinated. Eddie Ibrahim Bagamba was assassinated on Christmas eve in front of his gate at exactly 23:11 while coming from an evening Christmas prayer.

Eddie Bagamba, assassinated on Christmas eve by Directorate of Military Intelligence

According to sources, Eddie Ibrahim Bagamba was shot with a silencer gun because none hard the gun shot, it’s only when they opened the get to let him enter the compound that they found a lifeless body of Eddie Ibrahim Bagamba with a bullet wound in his head. His lifeless body and car were found few meters away from his house.

In Rwanda, it’s only special force operatives, presidential guards and selected intelligence operatives who have silencer guns. This was an execution by criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence service.

According to sources from criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence circle, Eddie Ibrahim Bagamba was assassinated due to being suspected as a Ugandan spy. In October and November 2019, Eddie Ibrahim Bagamba was called by criminal Paul Kagame’s head of counter intelligence in police, a well known ruthless assassin – CP Egide Ruzigamanzi. And the questioning centred on his constant trips to Uganda.

Notorious assassin, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi

Eddie Ibrahim Bagamba told criminal Paul Kagame’s assassin(s) that he goes to Uganda to visit family members and supervise on his farming investments. Then the questions was why not invest in Rwanda, why Uganda? On both occasions he was called by the criminal Paul Kagame’s assassin – Egide Ruzigamanzi, the questions were always the same, 1) Why constantly visit Uganda? 2) Questions about some of his family members 3) Questions about some of his Makerere University old boys who are now in Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF).

According to reliable sources, Rwanda’s intelligence services also tried to recruit him, and he categorically refused noting he has no single skills, training or courage to be a spy. And refusing to work for criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence services attracts an assassination tag on your head, especially if you live in Rwanda.

A source noted, “Defence Intelligence saw the young boy as an excellent asset for Uganda operations, he was well educated, born and grew in Uganda, invested in Uganda and wouldn’t rise any single suspicion in Uganda. I understand the boy refused to serve the system. Refusing to serve DMI raised suspicions of him being Afande Abel’s asset.”

Prior to his assassination, Eddie Bagamba had told close friends and relatives concerns about his security. Eddie Bagamba knew that this was coming, he had confined to his close friends about his worries and how he may be killed for nothing.

On 15th December 19, Eddie Bagamba told a close friend, “for the past 4 days, I am always being followed by a silver toyota ipsum with tainted mirrors, you know its intelligence operatives and security personnel allowed to drive cars with tainted mirrors. I am scared.”

Some friends within criminal Paul Kagame’s security apparatus had advised him to leave the country, but the thought of leaving what he had built behind was a burden, he had a surveyor company – Geo information which was doing fairly well in comparison to Rwanda’s standards where companies are collapsing on daily basis. He had numerous contracts with Rwanda Lands Board.

Just last month, Gen Fred Rwigema’s sister Joy Agaba Rwigema was assassinated for being suspected to be a Ugandan spy.

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.

About Gakwerere

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