Tuesday , 25 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

1) Case of Sandrine Mukamana vs Zaina Nkamiro et al.

a) Zaina Nkamiro et al. forcefully shaved the hair and eyebrows of Sandrine Mukamana.

b) Zaina Nkamiro et al. stripped naked Sandrine Mukamana.

C) Zaina Nkamiro et al. assaulted and  beat Sandrine Mukamana.

All the above happened on 16 February 2020, next day, on 17th February 2020, the Victim Sandrine Mukamana was physphysically fit and went to police to make a statement against her aggressors.

There was one single court hearing which took place on 9th March 2020, after eight hours of hearing, the prosecution asked the Kangaroo court under fake judges to hand each one of them 25 years sentence, and order them to pay Rwf100 million in damages. Prosecution said the seven were all involved in a plot to murder Sandrine Mukamana, on February 16, 2020.

* The victim wasn’t in court for cross examination or any other independent evidences provided for the defence team.

* No medical report on behalf of the victim Sandrine Mukamana was provided to the court or defence team.

* The suspects pleaded not guilty to attempted murder but confessed to having battered and forcibly shaved Mukamana over a conflict she had with Nkamiro, who was her close friend. They told the court that all, including the victim were under the influence of alcohol after a binge drinking day.

* Today, March 17, 2020, the Kangaroo court found them guilty of attempted murder and rushed down the sentencing, handing 25 years of prison sentence and a fine of 4 Million Rwanda francs to Zaina Nkamiro et al.  The Intermediate Court sentenced all the six young women and a man to 25 years in prison each after they were found guilty of attempted murder. In a hearing which took only 8 hours on 9th March 2020.

Why was the case of Kigali’s slay queens hyped by criminal Paul Kagame’s media outlets!

The hyping of this case to the extent of Televising the  eight hours hearing wasn’t by mistake. Obviously gullibles, oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans failed to analyse the dark moves being made by their satanic regime. The hyping of this case of Kigali’s slay queens fighting each other was to divert the talk, debates and discussions on the assassination of Gospel Singer Kizito Mihigo. It had nothing with enforcing the rule of law.

Criminal Paul Kagame’s brutal Security Services had got information on how the assassination of Kizito Mihigo is dominating seating rooms, dining rooms and bed talks within the potato enclave (Rwanda). They had used other means to divert the oppressed and enslaved public from discussing on the brutal elimination of Kizito Mihigo with zero success.

The Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) tried to divert the unsuspecting public with a fake story of former ambassador of Rwanda, Eugene Gasana, talking of a case that didn’t see a court room due to lack of a single evidence.

After failing to get a diversion story, this is when DMI decided to bring this case of Kigali’s slay queens to the limelight. From March 2, 2020, DMI/Criminal Paul Kagame’s media outlets started announcing this case.

DMI radios started announcing the case like a champion league game spreading fictions, lies and fabrications to entice oppressed and enslaved public.

By March 6, 2020, the public opinion was already against Zaina Nkamiro et al., and looking forward to the hearing, thus making this case of Zaina Nkamiro et al. a topic of the town. DMI/criminal Paul Kagame’s media outlet turned the case into a Hollywood thriller of sex, snatching of boyfriends, cheating, blood, tortorture…..etc. And oppressed and enslaved public was taken for a ride without true facts.

What DMI owned media outlets fabricated and sold to oppressed and enslaved Rwandans in order to hype and divert the public from Kizito Mihigo assassination.

* In order to hype this case of Kigali’s slay queens, DMI radios started singing that Zaina Nkamiro et al. had totally removed with razer blade the external genitalia of the victim, Sandrine Mukamana. This wasn’t true, even the satanic regime prosecutor didn’t bring it up in the Kangaroo court hearing.

* DMI media outlets spent a week telling oppressed and enslaved public how Zaina Nkamiro et al. used razer blades to torture the victim, Sandrine Mukamana. This wasn’t true, no razer blades were used to pierce or cut the victim’s body. Razer blades were only used to shave the victims hair and eyebrows.

* Criminal Paul Kagame’s media outlets spent a week telling oppressed and enslaved Rwandans that the Victim Sandrine Mukamana was assaulted because he had snatched an American boyfriend from his best friend, Zaina Nkamiro. They created imaginary scenarios over a boyfriend that didn’t even exist. According to court hearing, this wasn’t true, from both the prosecution and defendants, the event surrounded on what Sandrine Mukamana was rumourmongering in regard to what killed the mother of Zaina Nkamiro. The fight between these slay queens emanated from slay queens’ social rumourmongering.

* What was being said by Criminal Paul Kagame’s radio outlets and what was said in the Kangaroo court was far different.

If it wasn’t for DMI in trying to find a story to sensetionalise, this case of slay queens wouldn’t have seen the court room. The victim, Sandrine Mukamana had forgiven them, and moved on, only to be re-awaken by DMI, and didn’t appear in court to give a statement or be cross examined. She was medically fit as far as 17th February 2020, when she went to make a statement with the police.

Double standard of Criminal Paul Kagame’s court system, another case of Kigali’s slay queens. DMI operative Kate Bashabe vs Shaddy Boo.

In criminal Paul Kagame’s potato enclave, there are those who are untouchable. They can grab anything like lands, wealth, wives..etc, incarcerate, torture or kill without any single fear of the law or any consequences.

Two years ago, Kate Bashabe, a well known DMI operative, slay queen and side dish to treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe (in 2019, I shared about her operations and connections to Kagame family and Gen James Kabarebe), with her group went and assaulted her slay queen rival Shaddy Boo, in what Kigali social circles referred as battle of slay queens. Without any single provocation, deadly DMI operative Kate Bashabe showed her slay queen rival Shaddy Boo, on who owns the town.

Slay queen Shaddy Boo and friends were beaten and taught a lesson on how to respect DMI operative – Kate Bashabe. After being beaten, Shaddy Boo et al. went to report to criminal Paul Kagame’s police and pressed assault charges against DMI operative Kate Bashabe at al. Than being investigated or charged, DMI provided military escorts to Kate Bashabe, and the case was binned.

Corporal’s conclusion.

Back to the initial case of Sandrine  Mukamana vs Zaina Nkamiro et al., I believe a crime was committed, what I don’t agree, it is lack of clear and fair due process taken by criminal Paul Kagame’s Kangaroo court, and external factor interferences i.e DMI pressures that influenced the mode of the procedural process and the judgement.

For the defendants legal team (lawyers), it showed how legal personnel in Rwanda are untrained, it seems the defendants legal team skipped criminal law classes. Even to a layman like me, they showed how they are clueless on criminal law. Without having a clue on criminal law, don’t expect them to interpret or understand constitution law or the penal code.

On Sandrine Mukamana vs Zaina Nkamiro et al case, the crime happened on 16th February 2020, and 17 March 20, the case was concluded with a harsh sentencing.

Meanwhile, relatives of millions of oppressed and enslaved Rwandans are still waiting for justice of their loved ones, for example:

* The family of Kizito Mihigo who was brutally assassinated on 17th February 20 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of young entrepreneur Eddie Bagamba who was eliminated on the 24 December 19 by being beheaded are still waiting for justice.

*  The family of Mr Syridio Dusabumuremyi eliminated on 23 September 19 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Anicet Kanamugire eliminated on 14 April 2019 after a week of being tortured by criminal Paul Kagame’s police force are waiting for justice.

* The family of Anselme Mutuyimana eliminated on 8 March 2019 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Boniface Twagirimana kidnapped on 8 October 2018 by Dan Munyuza’s operatives are still waiting for justice.

* The family of CSP Hubert Gashagaza who was eliminated on 17 September 2018 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Christine Iribagiza eliminated on 13 April 2017 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Venuste Rwabukamba brutally assassinated on 10 October 2016 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Capt. Dieudonne Kayitare brutally assassinated on  February 2015 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Dr Emmanuel Gasakure assassinated on 25 Feb 2015 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Assinapol Rwigara brutally assassinated on 4 February 2015 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Richard Mazimpaka eliminated on 3 December 2014 are still waiting for justice.

* The family of Alphonse Rutagarama brutally eliminated in December 2012 are ststill waiting for justice.

* Etc….Oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans are still wwaiting for justice.

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog – rpfgakwerere.org.

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog rpfgakwerere.org was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.

About Gakwerere

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