By: Rpf Gakwerere
Some say the Kayihura family is a blessed family, others murmurs that it’s a lucky family, others see it as a mirror of nepotism, patronage and favouritism that has swept criminal Paul Kagame’s enclave – country. Some refer to this as the new Rwanda. Majority of oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans consider this family as evil’s advocates and part of a brutal kitchen government “agatsiko.”
Those in RPF, they refer Speciose Kayihura’s family as an adoptive family to estranged first lady of Rwanda Jeannette Kajuga Nzirorera Gasana Kagame. They are considered as untouchables in the newly created Kagamist nobility. This family hates to the core anyone who questions Criminal Paul Kagame’s criminality, they praise death to anyone who questions the satanic regime.

Speciose Kayihura was married to a none Rwandan citizen in Kenya, thus making his children half Rwandans. The main reason the children don’t give a damn when the satanic regime of which they are part kidnaps, tortures, incarcerates and kill Rwandans.
Back ground to the nepotism angle!
While in Rwanda, during dictator Juvenal Habyarimana’s reign, this was a time when Jeannette Kagame’s father – Mzee Murefu and the whole Murefu family was expelled from Burundi for spying the Rwandan refugee community and the Burundian government of Col Jean Batiste Bagaza.
After being declared as persona non grata, Murefu family returned to Rwanda on a heroes welcome by members of Gen Juvenal Habyarimana’s junta government. And as a family of an expelled external intelligence agent, Gen Juvenal Habyarimana’s dictatorship helped mzee Murefu’s family to settle, and they were given funds to set up a business.
After settling in Rwanda, young Jeannette Kagame, then known as Jeannette Nyiramongi started going out with a married man – Husi Kajuga, at the same time, young Jeannette Kagame was also seeing another married man – Joseph Nzirorera who was the principle adviser to Habyarimana. The irony with this, Husi and Nzirorera where great friends. Both Husi Kajuga and Joseph Nzirorera were respectively assassinated by criminal Paul Kagame.
All reliable sources who were close to young Jeannette Kagame have informed us that, after Husi Kajuga realising that his goods where being eaten by other well connected men in Gen Juvenal Habyarimana’s junta government. Husi Kajuga decided that his side dish had to be relocated out of Rwanda.
Husi Kajuga was a family friend to Mzee Murefu, he approached Mzee Murefu and offered to support his daughter, Jeannette Nyiramongi with education outside Rwanda. This is when young Jeannette Kagame was sent to Nairobi in early 1987.
Husi Kajuga was an older brother to Robert Kajuga the founding member and president of Interahamwe militias.
In Nairobi, young Jeannette Kagame’s life style is well documented and known by Rwandans. One notable person during her indulgences in Nairobi with older men, was a kikuyu man named James Kairu. Those who lived in Nairobi during this period have confined to us, that James Kairu was educated, decent and a senior civil servant in the Moi government.
While in Nairobi, Husi Kajuga introduced young Jeannette Kagame to Speciose Kayihura’s extended family in Kenya. If not living at a hostel in Westlands near Aga Khan hospital, she would spend days at Speciose Kayihura’s house. This is were her bond with the Kayihura family grew.
After the capture of power by RPF in 1994, the Kayihura family relocated to Rwanda from Kenya. As a token of thanking Speciose Kayihura, Jeannette Kagame allocated children of Speciose Kayihura with scholarships from western countries which were meant for students who had survived the tutsi genocide. Speciose Kayihura’s children studied in USA, Canada and United Kingdom under scholarships meant for these bright, destitute, vulnerable and intelligent orphans who had survived the genocide. They were scholarships for Tutsi genocide survivors.
Juice government positions for Speciose Kayihura family.
1) Yolande Makolo: The daughter to Speciose kayihura, is the Communications guru in the president’s office and spokeswoman of criminal Paul Kagame. Yolande is also a staunch ally to ruthless chief of staff – Ines Mpambara, the real prime minister of Rwanda. She is a goon who hates Rwandans to the core, she isn’t bothered how the satanic regime of which she serves kidnaps, incarcerates, tortures or kills; for her it’s about regime survival. She is a pure mercenary in criminal Paul Kagame’s office.

Yolanda Makolo is now a specialist in insulting president Museveni and president Peter Nkurunziza on social media, obviously she can’t do it without the approval of her boss, criminal Paul Kagame.
2) Yvonne Makolo: Also daughter to Kayihura, was the Marketing Officer for MTN Rwanda(Kagame is the majority shareholder). She was parachuted to head the struggling Rwandair. She is currently the CEO of Rwandair and one of Pilato’s current side dish.
Yvonne Makolo is also a side dish to criminal Paul Kagame. She is always travelling with criminal Paul Kagame on foreign trips, not as an expert on anything but escort purposes only.

3) Vivian Kayitesi: The daughter of Speciose Kayihura, was the head of Investments at Rwanda Development Board and now posted in Ankara – Turkey as the new Commercial attaché at Rwanda’s embassy.

4) Teta Rutimirwa Gasumuni: another Speciose Kayihura’s daughter is the head of Urban Planning in the newly formed Lands office.
5) Minego, a board members at New Times publication.
6) Tesi Kayihura, Commercial attaché to Rwanda’s embassy in Singapore.
7) Eugene Kayihura, who is an uncle to above individuals – brother to Speciose Kayihura. Kayihura is a DMI operative, he spent time in a military jail in Rwanda after his service as a First Secretary in Rwanda Embassy in Washington DC.
Behind the scenes, he was charged with embezzling funds belonging to the Republican Guard, the elite and privileged army within an army that protects criminal Paul Kagame and his family. Criminal Paul Kagame quietly pardoned him, and appointed him as Potato Enclave’s (Rwanda) Ambassador to South Korea, High Commissioner to Tanzania, and then ambassador to Seychelles an appointment that had more to do with laundering of criminal Paul Kagame’s illegal cash than diplomatic duties. In July 2019, he was located to be the High Commissioner to South Africa, the epicenter of DMI’s criminal activities in the whole of the Southern Africa region.

During the RPF/RPA struggle, the fat boy was protected from being at the frontline. Due to nepotism, after the war, this fat boy who gained weight during the struggle while others lost their weight, limbs and lives; was given the rank of a captain and later promoted to a major for totally doing nothing within the military or political wing.
Whether they like it or not, this brutal and satanic regime will have it’s end. And the arm of law will hunt those who have committed and supported human rights abuses.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.