By: Rpf Gakwerere
It was a meeting of police officers, and Gen Frank Mugambage was still the Inspector General of Rwanda Police. IGP Frank Mugambage stood up, talked on themes of the day which were on police corruption, police welfare and police discipline.
IGP Frank Mugambage spent nearly an hour talking nonsense and after his presentation, he invited others to air their opinions, advise, comment or ideas. As usual, under Rwanda’s corrupt system, people always praise and lean their comments towards supporting the head of the institution. All police officers praised IGP Frank Mugambage’s presentation and ideas except one person, Lt Col Charles Shema.

Like IGP Frank Mugambage, Lt Col Charles Shema had been relocated to police force. After listening to presentations, comments and points of views from other police officers; Lt Col Charles Shema stood up and pinned IGP Frank Mugambage to everything bad happening within the police force. Without fear, Lt Col Shema insulted IGP Frank Mugambage with words that I can’t repeat, he went further to refer him as a corrupt thug who isn’t fit to wear a police uniform. After stripping off the credibility of IGP Frank Mugambage; Lt Col Frank Shema left the meeting and went home.
After the meeting, IGP Frank Mugambage straightaway reported him to his boss, criminal Paul Kagame. And Lt Col Charles Shema was later summoned by Paul Kagame. Lt Col Charles Shema accepted everything he said, including insulting IGP Frank Mugambage through his mother. Shema told his boss how is ready for any punishment and asked to be demobilised than going to work in IGP Frank Mugambage’s police force. After the summon, dictator Paul Kagame relocated Lt Col Charles Shema to external intelligence, and up to now, he is still deployed under this department.
Corrupt Frank Mugambage is the current Rwanda’s ambassador to Uganda. From a police thug as Lt Col Charles Shema described him years a go, to a diplomatic thug as we have witnessed his participation in exporting terrorism on the streets of Uganda.
After the RPA/F liberation struggle in 1994, Charles Shema was already a Captain, and 26 years down the line, he is a mere Lt Colonel despite being a graduate from Makerere University, while uneducated thugs are “Generals.”
I remember in the late 1980s, a day when Lt Col Charles Shema graduated from Makerere University, overnight turning into a village hero, with youthful Charles Shema receiving several gifts of cows like newly married couples. Throughout his military career, he has been in external intelligence and Criminal Paul Kagame’s advance security team.
He is well educated and very intelligence, but his maternal cousin – criminal Paul Kagame didn’t give him an opportunity to advance his educational career both military or mainstream education, despite several requests to go for advance command and military course or be allowed to study a master’s degree. Criminal Paul Kagame personally blocked all his education requests.
After Brig Gen Francis Mutiganda as the director of external intelligence, Lt Col Charles Shema thought he was next in the queue to be the director of external intelligence, but criminal Paul Kagame had other plans. After dumping Brig Gen Francis Mutiganda, criminal Paul Kagame appointed retired col Anaclet Kabalita to lead external intelligence to devastation of Lt Col Charles Shema who expected to head the post.
Now, Lt Col Charles Shema has turned from an asset to a liability. Remember, he knows too much of criminal Paul Kagame’s secrets. For criminal Paul Kagame, a liability that knows too much is quickly eliminated. Lt Col Charles Shema is in privy of many assassinations, both external and internal; and when your turned into a liability, criminal Paul Kagame cannot allow you to stay alive with such information regarding to his crimes.
God willing, and when time permits, next time I will be looking at his good work, his financial support to different people especially after graduating and working at Uganda’s ministry of forestry and conservation, now turned the ministry of water and environment. Despite everything that people may say about him, he has paid and continuously continue to pay school fees for countless number of people.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
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