By: Rpf Gakwerere
After months of lockdown due to covid19 pandemic, respective governments are planning economic stimulus policies to revamp their economies. Governments are currently focused on fiscal and monetary policies to kick start their respective economies after months of economic lockdown, but for criminal Paul Kagame, the brutal dictator is introducing a new type of assassination poison.
According to reliable sources, the poison is in a powder format. The poison can cause death through inhalation or consumption (food, drink, rubbing the powder on a glass – plate or toothbrush….etc). “Just a little sample of this poison around your pillowcase can cause a serious medical issue,” a source noted.
This new poison is currently under the control of Col Anaclet Kalibata, head of National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS); Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi, head of DMI; and assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza, Inspector General of Police and head of Rwanda desk. When will these security agencies deploy this deadly poison in the field?
While other governments are investing heavily on community/population based economic developments, criminal Paul Kagame and his satanic regime are heavily investing on weapons of death. The satanic regime of dictator Paul Kagame has survived through kidnapping, torture, incarceration and mass killings.
Potato enclave (Rwanda) is being ruled by a heartless and pitiless monster.
Corporal is merely a messenger of criminal Paul Kagame’s polical, economic, social and military madness.
Stay tuned.