Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Home » East Africa » President Felix Tshisekedi Has Survived Three Planned Coup d’etat/Assassinations

President Felix Tshisekedi Has Survived Three Planned Coup d’etat/Assassinations

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

1) Gen James Kabarebe – Lt Gen Philemon Yav – François Beya Kasonga – Fortunat Biselele axis of sabotage and coup d’etat/elimination.

Gen James Kabarebe, François Beya Kasonga, Fortunat Biselele and Lt Gen Philemon Yav

2) Louise Mushikiwabo – Desire Nyaruhirira poisonous (anthrax) package from OIF.

A poisonous (Antrax) diplomatic package with Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) seal was sent to President Felix Tshisekedi’s office.

Louise Mushikiwabo and her personal aid, Maj Desire Nyaruhirira

3) DMI network of Colonel Ruyumbu Mugisha Santos, Murokore Mushabe Moses, Nshimiyimana Biseruka and Juvenal, Nganji Nsengiyumwa Remy, that was planning to gun down the Presidential jet, Habyarimana assassination style.

DMI network of Colonel Ruyumbu Mugisha Santos, Murokore Mushabe Moses, Nshimiyimana Biseruka and Juvenal, Nganji Nsengiyumwa Remy

DMI’s covert operations of Colonel MUGISHA RUYUMBU Santos, MUROKORE MUSHABE Moses, NSHIMIYIMANA BISERUKA Juvénal and NGANJI NSENGIYUMWA Remy, were foiled while on pre-final stage. I have attached past post reporting on the arrest of this network 👇👇

About Gakwerere

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