By: Rpf Gakwerere
It is only in Rwanda, where the hunter and the hunted use pseudo names on social media. It is understandable for the hunted to use pseudo names, why is the hunter scared off? We all know how few years ago, criminal Paul Kagame was caught using a pseudo Twitter account, but he came out putting the blame on his aides.
All those assassins who are traumatising oppressed and enslaved Rwandans have pseudo social media accounts, and more than one accounts.
I have a 2017 WhatsApp conversation exchanges that was instructing regime operatives to encourage all regime affiliated goons and minions to open a minimum of 10 social media accounts per person, most especially twitter accounts. And in these WhatsApp conversation exchanges, they were instructing them who to troll, who to bombard with regime messages, how to flood on certain people’s timeline with regime messages…etc. These instructions were given before the 2017 fraudulent elections, when criminal Paul Kagame contested against criminal Paul Kagame.

Over time, I have seen oppressed and enslaved Rwandans wasting their time responding to pseudo comments from a regime operative(s), and an oppressed Rwandan would think he/she is debating with different people not knowing he/she is talking to one operative handling more than ten accounts.
In these WhatsApp messages, the sadistic instructions were being given by Valentine Rugwabiza Sendanyoye’s husband, John Polle Sendanyoye. Valentine Rugwabiza Sendanyoye is the current Rwanda’s ambassador to the UN, and a well known concubine to criminal Paul Kagame.
Those within the satanic regime, criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence services and senior RPF cadres, know very well NISS operative John Polle Sendanyoye. He is the initiator of regime’s social media trolling scheme.
In 2008, under National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), John Polle Sendanyoye initiated a social media scheme of starting a programme to start marketing and defending criminal Paul Kagame on social media, and trolling whoever tried to question his dictatorial excesses. Soon, this social media initiative was adapted by RPF Bureau, President Kagame’s office and other government institutions.

It became a mandatory for senior regime officials to open twitter accounts, and we started seeing officials out competing each other in praising criminal Paul Kagame and his human rights excesses. And trolling anyone who questions the bloodthirsty dictator became a mandatory.
This social media initiative propelled nasty Intelligence operative John Polle Sendanyoye to the centre of power, and the wife, Valentine Rugwabiza Sendanyoye became a friend to Jeannette Kagame, and later found herself in criminal Paul Kagame’s White bedsheets. The intimate relationship between criminal Paul Kagame and Valentine Rugwabiza Sendanyoye is an open secret within the echelons of the ruling party, RPF. Despite her absolute incompetence, Valentine Rugwabiza Sendanyoye is untouchable.
In short, John Polle Sendanyoye, an old man in his 60s, has no work except that of praising criminal Paul Kagame; attacking, intimidating and trolling those who question the junta regime on social media.
The most unfortunate thing, is seeing this hunter of innocent people running pseudo accounts like those his hunting. What does he fear? For example, behind pseudo names of Mwene Kalinda, John Polle Sendanyoye has celebrated deaths of innocent people, called for killings of innocent people, praised assassinations of innocent citizens, applauded human rights excesses and cheered economic plundering by the Kagames.
Under the pseudo social media account of Mwene Kalinda, the heartless NISS operative, John Polle Sendanyoye has praised all atrocities committed by the satanic regime.
In comfort of Rwanda’s tax payers’ rented house in Newyork, USA, John Polle Sendanyoye runs several social media accounts and manages regime operatives who are assigned on monitoring social media contents especially accounts run by anti regime activists. As noted above, each regime operative runs a minimum of 10 social media accounts.
They are numerous social media groups that are run by the brutal regime, and John Polle Sendanyoye manages one of the groups. Other notorious social media groups are:
1) The team in criminal Paul Kagame’s office operating under the “Office of government spokesperson” and this group is managed by Ange Kagame.
2) Dictator Paul Kagame’s distant cousin, Ignatius kabagambe manages another notorious group, this mainly focuses on attacking Uganda government leadership.
3) Tom Ndahiro manages another notorious social media group, its emphasis is on local consumption and targeting specific groupings.
4) Another group is managed under Rwanda Development Board (RDB).
5) Notorious assassin Aimable Bayingana runs a social media group operating under the RPF secretariat.
6) Different security apparatus have social media teams but they are more preoccupied with monitoring information contents than reactionary behaviours.
Without any single doubt, in post criminal Paul Kagame, the arm of impartial justice will be unforgiving, old geezer John Polle Sendanyoye at al can continue killing innocent Rwandans, they can continue celebrating kidnappings, torture and incarceration of innocent people. But soon, justice will catch up with them.