By: Rpf Gakwerere
Currently, in the potato enclave – Rwanda, there are only four generals, the rest are mere replaceable house boy generals manning Kagame family militia army/security services. Criminal Paul Kagame, his estranged wife Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame alias Gisupusupu, bloodthirsty – power hungry daughter Ange Kagame and chief house boy Brig Gen Willy Rwagasana, are the only four real Generals in the potato enclave – Rwanda.

However, currently, as real power shifts to Burundi born Rwandans, house boy Generals who originated from Uganda are increasingly becoming endangered species.
These endangered military house boys who originated from Uganda are being sidelined, kidnapped, incarcerated, tortured and quietly eliminated through poison. As tired and sickly criminal Paul Kagame is battling with his health, nasty Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame alias Gisupusupu, bloodthirsty – power hungry Ange Kagame and Brig Gen Willy Rwagasana are carrying a quiet ethnic cleansing against Abakonyine (Tutsi pastoralists from Uganda), especially those in security services. They have used all sorts of fabricated excuses i.e being Gen Faustin Kayumba sympathisers, Gen Kayumba’s spies, Maj Gen Abel Kandiho’s spies, President Museveni’s sympathisers…etc, in order to crash them without any single mercy.
And of recently, the architect of this bloodthirsty onslaught Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame alias Gisupusupu, started encroaching on a person that she dislikes to the core, Col Rose Kabuye. Her deep seated hate against Col Rose Kabuye is well known. Jeannette Kagame’s callous and hateful behaviours towards historical Rwanda Patriotric Front/Army (RPF/A) female cadres is well documented. Her envy, mental jealous and extreme hate towards these female cadres has always been the talk among RPF/A historical/originals.
It is Jeannette Kagame and his former lap dog – Maj Gen Jack Nziza that destroyed Col Rose Kabuye’s career in the government through all sorts of negative reports to Criminal Paul Kagame. Until she was sidelined.
After being sidelined, Rose Kabuye ventured in business, opening a bar, and Jeannette Kagame and his lap dog Jack Nziza went after this business, constantly telling Criminal Paul Kagame how Col Rose Kabuye’s bar has turned into Gen Kayumba’s Rwanda National Congress (RNC) out post in Rwanda.
Col Rose Kabuye’s bar attracted former and present regime/RPF cadres, it turned into a place to meet and relax for all sorts of officials. As the bar’s popularity increased, Criminal Paul Kagame saw this as a threat, and Col Rose Kabuye was pressured into closing her popular bar. And now, Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame alias Gisupusupu is after her other business, a hotel that she painly built through her own sweat. Like other bakonyine in military or retirement, Col Rose Kabuye is an endangered figure.

In 2000, Col Rose Kabuye was one of key figures of the bloodless coup d’etat against President Pasteur Bizimungu. A bloodthirsty coup d’etat that made criminal Paul Kagame take the highest office in the land, the presidency. Initially, Kagame was the country’s vice president and minister of defense from August 1995 to 2000, when he led an internal bloodless coup d’etat.
When Gen Kayumba called for a meeting to oppose this coup d’etat, it was Col Rose Kabuye who rushed to criminal Paul Kagame to inform him on what was said in this private meeting that composed the then top military brass and RPF senior party cadres. Then, Col Rose Kabuye was a kagamist sycophant who sang his names 24/7 like a Greece parrot.
Now, 20 years down the line, Col Rose Kabuye and all those who supported criminal Paul Kagame to illegally grab power in 2000, have turned into endangered species with others already been given one way tickets to their grave yard. If it was possible to rewind the clock to year 2000, most of these house boy generals would make different choices than supporting another bloodless coup d’etat against President Pasteur Bizimungu. In 2000, Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa warned them, “removing Pasteur Bizimungu is a dangerous precedent, and we need to avoid this path of soldiers getting deeply involved in politics,” he noted to his fellow comrades.