By: Rpf Gakwerere
In the photo below, Rwanda’s bloodthirsty assassin – Dictator Paul Kagame standing with his well known Public Relations mercenary, Michelle Martin. For years, Michelle Martin has been one of Dictator Paul Kagame’s PR agent.
Today, in Nyanza, Rwanda, at High Court Chamber for International Crimes, Paul Kagame’s prosecutors unleashed Michelle Martin as a prosecution witness in the on going Paul Rusesabagina drama.
The mercenary for hire, Michelle Martin turned up in dictator Paul Kagame’s kangaroo court as a prosecution witness in this episode of Paul Rusesabagina drama.

Dictator Paul Kagame and his goons/minions are unbelievably mentally sick. Is this the best they can come up with? Was it the best legal move to unleash Paul Kagame’s western Public Relations agent as a prosecution witness? Sic!!
Dictator Paul Kagame, Co- President – power hungry Ange Kagame and PR agent – Michelle Martin.