By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere
Uganda’s Major Paul Kagame at Fort Leavenworth, a United State Army Command and General Staff College. He was under the Command and General Staff School (CGSS).
The NRA, now UPDF had sent him for an Intermediate Level Education (ILE). ILE is a ten-month graduate-level program; the curriculum includes instruction on leadership philosophy, military history, and the military planning and decision-making processes.
However, because Paul Kagame hadn’t finished his A level School in Uganda, there were special classes that Major Paul Kagame had to take at this USA military academy before he could be allowed to start the key course.
In the photo below, Major Paul Kagame is with classmates from Vietnam, South America…etc, under English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course program. Kagame who hadn’t completed his A level or have any eduction training, the basic requirement alongside other none English Speakers was to pass requirement courses – intensive English course before being allowed to start proper ILE program, a ten-month graduate-level program.

This time around, Criminal Paul Kagame dropped out of the military College when still studying ESOL course program, and returned to Africa to join Rwanda Patriotic Army. And president Museveni appointed him to be the coordinator of Rwanda Patriotic Army/F with clear instructions to then RPA/F leadership, to never and never try or think of harming him.
Since November 1990, to present, the 57Kg Skinny dictator has been a curse to Rwandans, the Greatlakes region and Africa at large.