By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere
Criminal Paul Kagame dumps his Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Jean Bosco Kazura and his Minister of Defence, Maj Gen Albert Murasira in a mini reshuffle within his militia force, RDF. The paranoid dictator has appointed his most trusted goons in strategic positions.

The newly appointed military officers are all military amateurs with exception of Lt Gen Mubarakh Muganga, the new Chief of Defence Staff, and Maj Gen Alex Kagame who has been shipped to Mozambique.

Criminal Paul Kagame’s notorious minion, Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe has been appointed as a new Lands force commander, pure joke when you consider his inexperience in military operations. Major Gen Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe is just a cold blooded killer, a military intelligence assassin. Vincent Nyakarundi has been moved from heading the Directorate of Military Intelligence (recently rebranded as defence intelligence) to heading the land forces.
This mini reshuffle is focused to incoming operations in DR Congo, and criminal Paul Kagame has placed trusted goons in key strategic operation positions.
1) Lt Gen Mubarakh Muganga as Chief of Defence Staff. Lt Gen Mubarakh Muganga has no single courage to contradict or question Kagame, in anything, especially when it comes to RDF’s incoming suicide war in DR Congo. Lt Gen Mubarakh Muganga is Mr Ndiyo Afande.

2) Maj Gen Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe, a ruthless minion who has built his career in shading blood of innocent people. This office promotion is mainly based on loyalty rather than military operation experience. The appointment from being the head of Criminal Paul Kagame’s dreaded Directorate of Military Intelligence to heading the land forces despite next to zero military operation experience is based on his submissiveness to criminal Paul Kagame, and to incoming tough days ahead. Maj Gen Vincent Nyakarundi is also trusted by Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame due to their Burundi connection and Ange Kagame due to their USA connection.

3) Col Francis Ragis Gatarayiha, the newly appointed Directorate of Military Intelligence boss is trusted by Criminal Paul Kagame and his estranged wife, Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame. Col Francis Ragis Gatarayiha shares the same clan with Criminal Paul Kagame, umwega, and he’s attached to Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame through Burundi connection.

4) Maj Gen Nkubito has swapped with Maj Gen Alex Kagame. Brainless Maj Gen Eugene Nkubito has been moved from Mozambique where he was Joint Task Force Commander of RDF to now being appointed as new 3 Division Commander, based in Rubavu, and covers the northwest region (DR Congo borders and part of Uganda). And Maj Gen Alex Kagame has been shipped from heading the 3rd Division to heading Rwanda Defence Force Joint Task Force in Mozambique. Maj Gen Alex Kagame isn’t at all keen or interested with RDF-M23 wars in DR Congo, a key reason for being shipped outside the country. In military operation experience, he is far experienced than Maj Gen Eugene Nkubito, or Vincent Nyakarundi. A key difference, Eugene Nkubito and Vincent Nyakarundi are Criminal Paul Kagame’s trusted goons who are ready to do any dirty work for the brutal dictator.