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Home » East Africa » DR Congo: Untrained Militias Of Wazalendo Continues To Militarily Humiliate RDF-M23 In Masisi, North Kivu.

DR Congo: Untrained Militias Of Wazalendo Continues To Militarily Humiliate RDF-M23 In Masisi, North Kivu.

Since the end of September 2023, Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo territories in North Kivu have witnessed intense fighting between RDF-M23 troops pitting different Mai Mai groups operating under Wazalendo militias logo. Like any war, Innocent people are losing their precious lives and displacing of civilian populations in these territories is unprecedented. Of all the three territories, Masisi has witnessed the heaviest of the fight.

Why are young Rwandans in RDF-M23 dying in Masisi in a useless war, Criminal Paul Kagame’s mineral war, a mineral plundering war. Why are these young men dying for?

Since early hours of Sunday, 1st October 2023, to today, RDF-M23 has been battling Wazalendo militias in close quarter fighting in the hills of Kilolirwe, Rugeneshi, Tebero, Katovu, Nturo and Burungu all in Masisi territory. And since April 2023, to present, military untrained militia under Wazalendo logo have been harassing RDF-M24 defences in Rutshuru, Masisi and Nyiragongo territories in North Kivu, DR Congo.

Now, on some occasions, these untrained militias have started to remove RDF-M23 troops from their defences.

What we are currently witnessing.

1) FARDC has allowed Wazalendo militias to continue harassing RDF-M23 defences as they continue to build their capacity and restructuring their operation command.

2) And since April of this year, Wazalendo are simultaneously attacking RDF-M23 defences along Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo territories in North Kivu, and we have started seeing the crumbling of these RDF-M23 defences.

The most interesting part of this current fighting, it’s seeing Mai Mai groups that where formerly Gen James Kabarebe’s assets like Mai Mai Guidon and his NCD-Renouveau being at the forefront of fighting Criminal Paul Kagame’s RDF-M23, using weapons that were clandestinely supplied to them by Gen James Kabarebe in exchange for minerals.

Mai Mai Guidon was Gen James Kabarebe’s asset, and a mineral smuggler who smuggled minerals under his territorial control to Rwanda. In 2014, it was treacherous Gen James Kabarebe who encouraged him to split from the main Mai Mai group and formed NCD – Renouveau. Now, Gen James Kabarebe’s notorious asset is fighting RDF-M23 troops.

About Gakwerere

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