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Home » East Africa » Charting the Course for East African Unity: Suluhu Hassan, Ruto and Museveni Convene in Zanzibar.

Charting the Course for East African Unity: Suluhu Hassan, Ruto and Museveni Convene in Zanzibar.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

The President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan, engaged in dialogue with her esteemed guests, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and President William Ruto of Kenya, upon their arrival at the quaint palace in Tunguu, Zanzibar, on March 14, 2024.

President Suluhu Hassan, President Ruto and president Museveni in Zanzibar

During their exchange, they addressed matters concerning East African integration, with a particular emphasis on expediting the process of soliciting citizens’ perspectives on the structure and focal points outlined in the Draft Constitution of the East African Political Confederation (EAC Political Confederation).

Notably, this consultative endeavor has already commenced in the nations of Burundi, Uganda, and Kenya, spearheaded by a dedicated Team of Experts comprising three members from each participating country.

About Gakwerere

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