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Home » East Africa » The Arrest of Rwanda Patriotic Front Goon, Eugène Barikana: Intrigue in Rwanda’s Political Arena

The Arrest of Rwanda Patriotic Front Goon, Eugène Barikana: Intrigue in Rwanda’s Political Arena

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

Eugène Barikana, a notable figure within Criminal Paul Kagame’s buffoon Parliament and a well-known operator in the ruling party, has been arrested on charges of illegal weapon possession. Barikana, a member of the notorious Intore terror franchise, has long been implicated in undermining the lives and careers of many decent Rwandans.

Eugène Barikana, member of Criminal Paul Kagame’s buffoon Parliament

Insiders from the ruling political party, the RPF, consistently describe Eugène Barikana as a person characterized by poisonous and acidic intrigues. His arrest, however, reveals more than just a simple case of illegal arms. Although Rwanda’s military intelligence was already aware of his weapon ownership, the official charges are a smokescreen.

The arrest of acidic Intore goon Eugène Barikana for illegal weapon possession is merely a facade. The true impetus behind Barikana’s arrest stem from internal poisonous intrigues within Criminal Paul Kagame’s ruling party, the RPF. Sources suggest that his arrest is orchestrated by individuals within the ruling Satanic system who wants him gone—same evil tactics that Eugène Barikana himself has previously employed against other decent Rwandans.

Eugène arrest further illustrates and underscores the complex and perilous nature of politics within Rwanda’s Criminal ruling elites.

About Gakwerere

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