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Kagame’s Aggressive Rhetoric On DR Congo: A Continuation of Conflict.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

Criminal Paul Kagame, ruler of Rwanda, recently declared, “We are ready to fight if necessary with DR Congo.” This assertion is baffling given Rwanda’s continuous military involvement in DR Congo since 1996. Under the guise of the M23 rebel movement, Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) have actively engaged in conflicts within the DRC from November 2021 to the present.

In a recent interview with France 24, conducted during his current visit to France, Criminal Paul Kagame’s statements underscore his longstanding aggressive stance toward the DRC. Arriving in Paris on June 19, 2024, for another round of his usual resource-draining conferences, Kagame’s rhetoric reflects a persistent pattern of regional destabilization and conflict prolongation.

Criminal Paul Kagame’s comments, made against the backdrop of his international travels, highlight the paradox of his satanic regime’s actions, a declared readiness for new confrontations while engaging in ongoing military operations within the DRC. His public pronouncements and actual policies continue to undermine regional stability and fuel tensions between Rwanda and its neighbors.

About Gakwerere

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