Sunday , 2 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

1) On 20th November 2018, the master of scorched-earth military strategy, Gen Fred Ibingira was dumped as the head of reserve force, a position which he held since 2010; and he was replaced by Maj Gen Aloys Muganga.

Gen Fred Ibingira handing the office to Maj Gen Aloys Muganga in November 2018

After being dumped, Gen Fred Ibingira went through a process of psychological torture.  He was placed under house arrest, his wife denied to leave the country on her way to USA, with her passport being withdrawn by airport DMI operatives.

After being dumped, Gen Fred Ibingira was investigated for financial impropriety, corruption and mismanagement of companies owned by the reserve force. In January of this year, 2019, he was dragged from his farm to his home by corporals and privates from the presidential guard, the crime being to leave his house without permission from Brig Gen Dan Munyuza’s office.

2) In April 2019, Gen Fred Ibingira’s replacement, Maj Gen Aloys Muganga was dumped as Reserve  force chief of staff, and was replaced by Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli who was moved from army chief of staff to lead the Reserve force.

3) On 3th November 2019, criminal Paul Kagame reshuffled top military echelons of his militia army – RDF, and he recalled back Gen Fred Ibingira to head reserve force. Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli held Reserve force docket for merely 6 months. Gen Fred Ibingira is now back to head an organisation – Reserve  force that he was dumped from a year ago, pure military recycling.

Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli handing the office to Gen Fred Ibingira on 5th November 2019

According to military sources, last week, prior to Gen Fred Ibingira’s appointment, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba who was then still Chief of Defense Staff, called Gen Fred Ibingira to telling him that criminal Paul Kagame has instructed that he should attend a military meeting to be held by 3 division commanders in Rubavu, and Maj Gen Eric Murokore was to brief him on further details. Rubavu has turned into operation headquarter for Rwanda Defence Force’s military operations currently undergoing in DR Congo.

On evening of 3rd November 2019, when Gen Fred Ibingira received a text message from Gen Patrick Nyamvumba pointing that criminal Paul Kagame has appointed him to head the reserve force, Gen Fred Ibingira didn’t believe what he was reading, and he had to call Gen Patrick Nyamvumba to confirm properly with what he was reading.

Alongside the appointment of Gen Fred Ibingira as Reserve Force chief of staff, criminal Paul Kagame appointed his trusted boy, Maj Gen Innocent Kabandana as his deputy and to keep a close eye on Gen Fred Ibingira.

Criminal Paul Kagame recalled Gen Fred Ibingira due to on going preparations for military campaign which will soon engulf the greatlakes region. Rwanda Defence Force’s military campaigns which started this year with campaigns in Minembwe – South Kivu, military incursion in Burundi by Rwanda’s backed and logistically supported Red Tabara rebels, the massive deployment of RDF military personnel in the regions of South Kivu, north Kivu and Ituri…etc.

Gen Fred Ibingira will be running the military operation aspect, while his deputy, Maj Gen Innocent Kabandana will be running the administrative aspect of the reserve force, especially the managing of several tender contracts which Reserve force’s owned companies secured. Maj Gen Innocent Kabandana is a novice in field operations, his assignments have always been spying – intelligence, and this assignment is no different, he has been shifted to Reserve force as criminal Paul Kagame’s eye and ear in this segment of Rwanda Defence force.


N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.

About Gakwerere

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