By: Rpf Gakwerere
The fighting in DR Congo is taking multiple dimensions with RDF batallions engaging on different fronts. On the night of 19th June 2019 to early morning of 20th June 2019, there were fighting in zines of Binza, Rugali, Kibumba and Kibumba all in North Kivu. And in South Kivu fighting has been raging in Fizi region since Thursday of last week, 13 June 19.

In South Kivu, RDF batallions are putting much emphasis on Minembwe commune, but they have been meeting tough resistance from Banyamulenge local defence boys under Gumino. Despite their numbers, well greater infantry equipments and support from paid Mai Mai allies; RDF is facing a determined resistance from Banyamulenge boys.
For Banyamulenge, this is a fight for mother land, a fight for their dignity and a fight for their ancestral heritage against an enemy that wants to uproot them from a land they have lived in for more than 300 years.
Banyamulenge’s current problems and woes with Kigali, it’s their open refusal to work and collaborate with the brutal SATANIC SYSTEM in their plan to support Rwanda led Burundi rebels to establish bases in Uvira – Fizi Plateau. By refusing to cooperate in this dark project, Paul Kagame started referring Banyamulenge as pro – Kayumba Nyamwasa and supporters of P5 political alliance comprising of 5 political parties.
In the past, Rwanda’s chronicle political – military incursions inside DR Congo, Banyamulenge have always distanced themselves from these mineral resource military adventures orchestrated by Kigali to punder DR Congo. The only struggle that they whole participated in, it’s that of Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (AFDL) led by Mzee Laurent Desire Kabila. They refused to participate in Rwanda formed and backed rebel movements of Rally for Congolese Democracy (RCD), CNDP and M23.
People tend to confuse between Banyamulenge who are habitats of South Kivu and Rwandaphone speakers who are habitats of North Kivu. These two communities have different history, traditions and heritage. It’s men and women from Rwandaphone background of Northern Kivu that supported and accepted Rwanda’s plea to participate in their various military campaigns to plunder mineral resources of DR Congo.
Back to South Kivu front, on 30th May 19, at 01:30 AM Rwanda time, Rwanda’s special force batallion with the approval of the already failing government of Felix Tshisekedi entered DR Congo through Manda near Kamanyola, South Kivu.
Once in DR Congo, these Rwanda special force batallions found FARDC military trucks waiting for them which transported them and their materials to Uvira in South Kivu. The operation inside DR Congo was supervised by James Kabarebe’s long time double agent Maj Gen Jonas Luize Padiri. For years, Maj Gen Jonas Luize Padiri has always been on DMI payroll, a money minded FARDC military officer who is ready to sell even his own children for Satan’s dime.
Despite the enormous man power which includes Burundian rebel group of Red Tabara – FROREBU, Mai Mai and two Special forces from Rwanda that has since been reinforced; Banyamulenge are still holding ground against these well armed genocidaire forces which are led, trained and logistically supported by Rwanda.
For the past four months, the head of Rwanda’s intelligence services – Col Anaclet Kalibata has now visited Kinshasa seven times to meet people close to weak president of DR Congo – Felix TSHISEKEDI.
What has been happening in Uvira – Fizi area against Banyamulenge the new weak president – Felix TSHISEKEDI is in agreement with it, after giving criminal Paul Kagame his green light to conduct operations in South and North Kivu regions of DR Congo.
According to reliable sources in Kigali, President Felix TSHISEKEDI has also allowed Burundian rebels to establish rear bases in South Kivu and directly stopped Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) against conducting operations against any Burundian rebels operating in South Kivu, DR Congo.
Just two months into his presidency, the first move that DR Congo’s accidental president – Felix TSHISEKEDI did, was to cancel a military cooperation pact that President Joseph Kabila and Peter Nkirunziza signed in 2016 which allowed Burundian special forces in collaboration with DR Congo Army, to track anti Nkirunziza rebels operating in South Kivu.
Currently, the order to stop FARDC from intervening in what is happening in Uvira – Fizi area came directly from DR Congo’s weak president – Felix TSHISEKEDI. The weak leadership in Kinshasa is a complicity to annihilation of Banyamulenge by allowing free access of genocidaire Kagamist forces to enter DR Congo and its various Rwanda supported rebels to operate freely in Kivu regions.
In this evil pack with criminal Paul Kagame, President Felix TSHISEKEDI has also allowed Burundian rebel groups to establish rear bases in South Kivu.