Today, it’s two years since death merchant Jack Nziza was thrown out of Criminal Paul Kagame’s militia army – RDF.
He was thrown out of the army in 2017, after 2 years of Gatabe (agatebe), with criminal Paul Kagame deleting the post of the Inspector General of the Army which he had specifically created to accommodate his then trusted security enforcer – Gen Jack Nziza.
Without doubt, Rwandans will never forget Gen Jack Nziza. History will remember him as one of the killing machine that Rwandans have ever witnessed. Gen Jack Nziza was/still a brutal Ugandan mercenary washed in blood of innocent Rwandans. The blood of Rwandans will always haunt him to his grave.
Now, jobless although very loaded/rich, he spends his time cursing how Brig Gen Dan Munyuza outsmarted him. The merchant of death blames his miseries on Brig Gen Dan Munyuza, failing to understand Criminal Paul Kagame’s political outplay of using and dumping you when your usefulness is finished/done.
What criminal Paul Kagame has successfully managed, it’s to plant deep seated enmity among his house boy generals. On daily basis, what they do, its to report each other to their skinny master. Without criminal Paul Kagame, these house boy generals would totally finish – rip each other. These selfish inepts have failed to realise that the source of their hatred with fellow house boy generals – it’s Kagame, under the ideology of divide and rule.
In the photos below which were taken in 2017, Gen James Kabarebe is handing a certificate of retirement to a sadly looking Gen Jack Nziza. The day, his dreams of ever becoming a defence minister in criminal Paul Kagame’s junta government where shattered.

Gen Jack Nziza, you still have time to reconcile with God, Jesus and Rwandans by repenting for the gross human right abuses you committed/commanded against them.
For those who didn’t know, Gen Jack Nziza is a first cousin to Gen Kale Kayihura. True sons of Bufumbira region in Uganda.