By: Rpf Gakwerere
Tom Ndahiro is Pilato’s advisor on communication. Therefore, whatever he writes or speaks reflects the boss’s ideology.
Obviously, oppressed, enslaved and starving Rwandans will waste their time attacking a munyampi Tom Ndahiro, forgetting that the Munyampi – Tom Ndahiro has been Pilato’s communication advisor for more than a decade.

Whatever the semi – literate does, he does it with 100% approval of his criminal boss. Umunyampi – Tom Ndahiro is merely performing roles given to him by his boss, and roles which he has excelled, reasons criminal Paul Kagame has kept him under the presidential office payroll.
For the past weeks, Tom Ndahiro has been reported to RIB (Rwanda Investigation Bureau) in terms of his conducts, and a group of Tutsi genocide survivors wrote to criminal Paul Kagame asking the junta to look at behaviours of his munyampi. What these people failed to realise, it’s that Umunyampi Tom Ndahiro is criminal Paul Kagame, nothing he says or writes which isn’t approved or supported by his criminal boss – Paul Kagame.
Currently, Tom Ndahiro leads one of the several social media network, and this social media network receives operational funds from the president’s office. Tom Ndahiro sold his brain, morals if he had any and ethics to the highest bidder, in this case criminal Paul Kagame.
He also manages on behalf of his criminal boss numerous online websites which are used for disinformation on various topics and different fabrications especially against dissidents.
In his daily attacks on behalf of his boss, Umunyampi – Tom Ndahiro hasn’t spared any category or groupings, his attacks always reflects moods of his boss. Like his boss, Umunyampi – Tom Ndahiro has nothing to lose especially in terms of personal dignity, credibility, ethics or moral behaviours.