Friday , 18 October 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere


Treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe attended on Thursday the ceremony where Pilato was the main chief guest in passing out his intore militia at Gabiro Combat training centre and Friday, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe attended the ceremony to open Kigali arena. But don’t be mistaken things aren’t good between treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his boss – criminal Paul Kagame alias Pilato.

Two weeks ago, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was called at ombudsman’s office and auditor General’s office on the same day.

According to reliable sources, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was called by these two different offices to declare on his vast wealth which cut across the world.

In my various posts, I have noted how treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe is the second richest man in Rwanda after criminal Paul Kagame.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s vast wealth.

By the time president Laurent-Désiré Kabila kicked out of DR Congo treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and Rwandan forces in particular, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe alias Kafumisi was already a millionaire in dollars.

In Rwanda, when he was appointed as chief of staff of RDF; treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe made millions of dollars with criminal Paul Kagame in terms of weapon procurements and ghost soldiers. With a clean style of embezzling the ministry of defence coffer, criminal Paul Kagame promoted treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe by appointing him as the minister of defence, a position he held from 2010 to 2018. Criminal Paul Kagame gave his blue eyed man this post mainly as pipe to run clean embezzlement of funds within this over budget ministry.

Now, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe is the second richest person in the enclave – Rwanda, after his boss criminal Paul Kagame. Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s business empire are now a cross Africa, middle east, North America and Europe.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe owns shipping companies in Angola, Mozambique and South Africa. He owns fertiliser company in Nigeria. His business associates are in mineral businesses in Angola and DR Congo.He owns apartments in Dubai and South Africa.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe alias Kafumisi has business interests in Ethiopia, having shares in a Mall located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He has businesses in Uganda. In Canada were his estranged wife and children relocated to live, they own appartments in Montreal, Quebec city, Ottawa and Toranto. He has an apartment in UK and in Norway, his sister is running his business interests after buying properties in his sister’s names.

In Rwanda, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe alias Kafumisi is in mining through his brother inlaw, and has numerous forex bureau run by different quiet business associates.

Criminal Paul Kagame is encircling treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe

As criminal Paul Kagame takes the war to his former trusted escort and security enforcer – Gen James Kabarebe, the criminal boss has approached the situation the usual Kagame way. In the past two weeks, criminal Paul Kagame ordered the withdrawal of all military police escorts who were escorting treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe.

These military police escorts had been escorting Gen James Kabarebe for long, and criminal Paul Kagame alias Pilato ordered for their withdrawal and they were replaced by Pilato’s trusted boys from the presidential guard. At the moment, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe is cordoned by boys who report directly to criminal Paul Kagame.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe told to pay 15 billion Rwandan francs by the auditor General’s office.

According to a reliable source within DMI, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was last week, week starting with 29th July 19 told to pay 15 billion to the treasury (government coffers). According to this source, the auditor General advised him to sell his shipping company based in Luanda, Angola which operates under Angolan licenced flag. He was told if he can’t find a buyer, he can easily transfer the company to crystal Ventures, a consortium company owned by criminal Paul Kagame and controls 70% of business transactions in the potato enclave.

According to this DMI source, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe knows very well who is behind the operation to make him a pauper, he knows very well that the auditor general and the ombudsman’s office are operating under the direct instructions of criminal Paul Kagame. In this case, to buy his time and study his next move, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe is cooperating very well with both the auditor General and ombudsman’s office.

Criminal Paul Kagame wants a slice or all of Gen James Kabarebe’s wealth. What treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe forgot was that in Rwanda, it’s only criminal Paul Kagame and his family members who have the rights to accumulate wealth under dubious circumstances, the rest are mere slaves with controlled rights. Power, wealth and evil had blinded Gen James Kabarebe to the extent of thinking he was next in the queue to occupy the presidency.

The current lifestyle of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe

What is interesting within the potato enclave, it’s that everyone lives in a state of fear, most especially members of the satanic system including criminal Paul Kagame. It’s a lifestyle of mistrust from the top to the bottom. No one trusts another, for the top echelons of the satanic system, fear and mistrust is unimaginable.

For years, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe doesn’t usually go out, including going to restaurants to treat himself with a nice meal in a different environment, the assassin installed this self imposed curfew due to fear of being poisoned. But he substituted this by indulging in another evil activity of spreading an incurable disease to underage girls.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe has a house in Rebero and another hidden house around mont Kigali where he takes his underage girls who are pimped for him by two Congolese born Rwandans who operate as his pimps. Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s evil behaviours of infecting underage girls is well known by Rwandans including criminal Paul Kagame who is also an active actor in such behaviours.

However, since being thrown out of the ministry of defence, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe has somehow stopped the behaviours of sleeping around. According to my source within DMI, due to surveillance fear and the fear of being trapped through women, Gen James Kabarebe is now on a pause. These days, his at home 24/7 and when he lives his house, it’s to attend a regime function.

My source notes, “the man is living in fear. His the most unhappy person in the country, not being invited at Ange Kagame’s wedding especially when you consider at how Afande mukubwa’s children used to refer him as uncle James, it’s enough to see the magnitude of the problem.”

Treacherous assassin Gen James has served criminal Paul Kagame for more than 28 years, he has killed for him, betrayed friends on behalf of Kagame, stole for Kagame, started wars for Kagame, insulted people on behalf of Kagame, involved himself in all sorts of human rights abuses on behalf of Kagame….etc. Now, the time of a Kagamist hammer has caught up with him.

As noted in my various posts, it’s only two factors that always remain constant within the satanic system, 1) criminal Paul Kagame 2) his children, the rest are mavi ya kuku including his estranged wife – Jeannette Kagame Gasana who are crashed or can be crashed at any time at the orders of criminal Paul Kagame.

When your usefulness is done, criminal Paul Kagame will give you a one way ticket to the graveyard or sideline you; in case of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe, we are merely watching and waiting.

To be continued…….

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page) or at my blog

However for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.

About Gakwerere

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