By: Rpf Gakwerere
Pastor Gregg Schoof was the owner of amazing Grace radio which the satanic system ruling Rwanda had its broadcasting license revoked in April 2018. Pastor Gregg Brian Schoof was the head of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Rwanda.
The revoking of amazing grace radio came at the same time when the satanic system was closing churches in the country. By July 2018, the junta regime boasted of shutting down 8000 churches in the country.

On behalf of criminal Paul Kagame, the letter to expel from the country Pastor Gregg Brian Schoof was written by Rwanda’s head of immigration and emigration, Lt Col Regis Gatarayiha.
For those who don’t know Lt Col Regis Gatarayiha, his a Burundi born military officer who has raised through the military and administrative ranks due to Jeannette Kagame Gasana connection. All the ministries that he has served, Lt Col Regis Gatarayiha has left a mark of ruthlessness upon fellow staff members.

Pastor Gregg Schoof properties which have been grabbed by criminal Paul Kagame.
1) Bank accounts frozen at Bank of Kigali and Development Bank
2) Mansion in Nyarutarama
3) Mansion in Kibagabaga
4) Land in Jali
5) Land and Radio signal mast in Jali
6) Land and Radio signal mast in Karongi
7) Land in Nyarutarama
8) Cornerstone Baptist Church and the huge land in Kacyiru
When will criminal Paul Kagame ever get satisfied with the wealth which he already has? The criminal junta has been economically blundering Rwanda and DR Congo since the late 1990s to present. In his economic plundering he hasn’t even spared foreigners or the poorest in society.

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page) or at my blog
However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.