By: Rpf Gakwerere
The photo below is of brutal dictactor – criminal Paul Kagame and his loudspeaker – Olivier Nduhungirehe, the minister of state for Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and EAC affairs. The picture was taken last week during The 74th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 74). This picture made my day.
In the photo below, what’s wrong with Loudspeaker Olivier Nduhungirehe’s head? It’s swollen on the side.

This past Saturday night, while I was talking to a Retired Rwanda Defence Force officer at the rank of a Colonel, in a deep conversation on welfare of former RPA/RDF soldiers, stinking poverty among former RPA/RDF soldiers and humiliation of former RPA/RDF combatants at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame and his goons. The officer noted, “the next liberation fight, will be an internal fight between the forces of evil and the forces of light. It will be brutal, short and decisive. These thugs will be punished for their crimes especially that of killing our comrades, brothers and sisters.”
When this retired Colonel touched on dictactor Paul Kagame’s loudspeaker, Olivier Nduhungirehe, what the disgruntled retired Colonel told me, it’s not fit for public consumption. What oppressed, enslaved and starving Rwandans need to know, the loudspeaker is totally and totally loathed within the satanic system, especially by fellow Kagamist goons. Some senior RPF goons turn off their television a minute they see loud speaker Olivier Nduhungirehe on the National Television.
In future, I will be posting on how the bedridden foreign minister, DR Richard Sezibera thinks of his deputy – loud speaker Olivier Nduhungirehe.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page) or at my blog –
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