By: REMEZO Rodrigues, Kigali City
Pastor Gregg Schoof and his family have been expelled by Kagame’s regime in the morning of this October 08,2019 one day later after he was arrested while preparing his final press conference in Rwanda .

“We arrested Mr Schoof and handed him over to the Rwanda Investigative Bureau. He was arrested for holding an illegal meeting with journalists in a public space. It is illegal to hold meetings in public spaces without authorisation.” Said Rwandan police spokesman John Bosco Kabera.
What is funny, he said this while it was the same police who blocked him access to the place where he has booked for holding the press conference! Pastor Schoof had booked a venue for his press conference on Monday but the owners on Police’s order denied him access at the last minute. This is common and very well known in Rwanda It happened to many people especially opposition leaders in Rwanda.
In a press statement handed to the media before his detention, Mr Schoof said the Rwandan government had “taken a stand against God with its heathen practices”.
“Christian radio illegally closed, 7,000 churches illegally closed, condoms are promoted to children in schools which promotes filth,”
He also criticised the teaching of evolution in schools and the easing of restrictions on abortion, adding: “Is this government trying to send people to hell?”
Mr Schoof has previously questioned the freedom of expression in Rwanda.
His radio station was accused of “promoting division in the country” last year after it broadcast a sermon by a local pastor Nicolas Niyibikora who said (according to the government of Rwanda) women were “dangerous creatures of evil, going against God’s plans”. While Pastor Schoof
Testimony of Pastor Gregory Schoof confirms that the message was completely taken out of context: “ Pastor Nicholas was preaching a sermon against BAD CHURCHES. Not against women. In the Bible, a good church is pictured as a good woman; and a bad church is pictured as a bad woman. Simple: Good Church = Good Woman; Bad Church = Bad Woman. Not too complicated. So, he used examples of bad women in the Bible to show how bad churches cause problems. That is it! Nothing more!” Said Pastor Schoof
The Amazing Grace radio station was banned last year along with Cornerstone Baptist Church, both owned by Pastor Gregg Schoof. It is believed that Rwandan Government persecuted this Pastor because of the truth he has been preaching on his radio and in his church, but also for the connection he had with his former radio’s manager Mr Cassien Ntamuhanga arrested and thrown in prison, and who three years later had managed to escape from the top protected prison in Rwanda and is now living in exile.