Tuesday , 22 October 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

R.I.P Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba, who died on the night of 16th October 19, after being assassinated through poison.

Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba

In June 2008, Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba who was then, Rwanda’s Inspector General of Police, the Criminal Investigation Department boss, Costa Habyara and head of police training school in Gishari, Peter Sano were unceremoniously suspended from police on the orders of criminal Paul Kagame.

The then minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil noted, “the Police IGP Andrew Rwigamba, the head of CID – Habyara were indefinitely suspended together with the head of police training school in Gishari, Peter Sano. And the three were indefinitely suspended by President Paul Kagame.”

The main reason for the indefinite suspension of the trio was their kindness to offer police tender market to Jeannette Rwigema, wife to assassinated hero – Gen Fred Rwigema. This was a year when harassment and persecution meted against Jeannette Rwigema was at its highest.

In 2013, alongside other unwanted military officers, Brig  Gen Andrew Rwigamba was thrown out of the army by criminal  Paul Kagame. The potato enclave – Rwanda’s brutal  dictactor always refers to this type of discharging military officers as, “kupunguza adui katika jeshi langu,” literally meaning, “reducing the enemy within my army.”

Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba in California during his studies in USA

From 2008 to 2011, for almost 3 years, Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba was put on a high level joblessness “gatebe/agatabe,” and in 2011, he was given an obscure appointment of a newly created role, Director of Military Relations. However, with this role, he didn’t not have an office or role assignments, because all the functions of this dubious appointment were performed by Rwanda Defence Force spokesperson’s office. By the time of his elimination, Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba was still was the “director of military relations.”

It should be noted that Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba was one of the highly educated military officers within RDF, but due to intrugue which were mainly created by treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe, this decent officer was subjected to suppression and denial for fair promotion.

Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba and his lovely children early this year, 2019.

When Gen Kayumba  Nyamwasa went to exile in 2010, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe referred Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba as a Kayumba ally.

In 2010, without being asked by criminal Paul Kagame, on his on initiative, treacherous  assassin Gen James Kabarebe started creating trouble for decent military officers that he deemed a threat to his position at the ministry of defence. Gen James Kabarebe created a blacklist of all senior and junior military officers that he deemed to be Kayumba royalists. And Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba was in this list.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe sold this list to his paranoid criminal boss – Paul Kagame, and the list became the basis for a bloody military crackdown within the Rwanda Defence Force and Police force. The brutal and bloody crackdown led to decent officers being thrown out of the army, others jailed and others being brutally eliminated with their lifeless bodies being found in different places like Rive Rweru.

This bloody crackdown was being conducted by treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 mafia network; and Brig  Gen Andrew Rwigamba became a victim of this blacklist.

Finally, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe with the approval of his boss – criminal Paul Kagame, have sent a decent military officer were they have sent millions of other innocent people. A one way ticket to the graveyard!

Notorious treacherous assassin – James Kabarebe

Prior to being poisoning Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba, DMI operatives started spreading rumours within the army that Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba is a long sufferer of a certain disease (withheld), unfortunately, this is a disease that most senior RDF officer have, including criminal Paul Kagame himself.

The intention of spreading this unnecessary malicious rumour was to prepare the mind of RDF personnel in case they hear that Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba has died. This is a method that DMI has used before to its perfection. For example, before the elimination of Col Steven Ndugute, the military brain behind the capture of power by RPA/F in 1994, DMI started spreading rumours that his a sufferer of a certain disease and few months later, he was eliminated through poisoning, the same DMI spread the same rumour about Col William Bagire and few months later, he was eliminated through poison, the same DMI spread the same rumour about Col Charles Ngoga and few months later, he was eliminated…etc.

On 19th September 19, I posted about the poisoning of Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba after being contacted by those close to him. Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba started vomiting blood, and his family rushed him to King Faisal Hospital (Roi Faycal) hospital, and this happened in early September, 2019. Straight away, doctors at King Faisal Hospital asked the family if it’s possible for him to be transferred to South Africa, Israel, India or any western country. After several medical examinations and tests, the doctors discovered the route cause of the problem as poisonous substances.

Despite having thrown out of the army, no retired military officer can leave the country without the approval from the department of reserved forces. The family requested this department and the ministry of defence in general to allow them take Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba to South Africa or Israel for treatment.

The ministry of defence spent three critical weeks giving vague answers to Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba’s family. For those who have followed criminal Paul Kagame’s assassination modus operandi, will relate this case to other previous cases.

After three weeks, the ministry of defence agreed that Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba needs to be taken out for further treatment, and the ministry will foot the bill. Than taking him to recommended hospitals in South Africa, Israel or India, the ministry of defence took him to Cairo, Egypt. By this time, all internal organs had been affected. And on the night of 16th October 19, he died due to internal organs failure, a slow suffering death due to administered poison.

Dear oppressed and enslaved Rwandans, I refer you to elimination/assassination cases of Col Steven Ndugute, Col William Bagire, Col Willy Bagabe and Aloisea Inyumba.

R.I.P Brig Gen Andrew Rwigamba.


N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog – rpfgakwerere.org.

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog rpfgakwerere.org was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.


About Gakwerere

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