By: Rpf Gakwerere
Primary school teachers and government hospital nurses in Rwanda haven’t been paid their January 2020 salaries averaging 35000 Rwanda francs to 70000 Rwanda francs, yet the potato enclave afforded to hire a private jet for criminal Paul Kagame’s estranged wife – Jeannette Nyiramongi Nzirorera Gasana Kagame, to jet her to USA to attend the National Prayer’s Breakfast in Washington, DC, which was held from 4th February 2020 to 6th February 2020.

For the past three years, Criminal Paul Kagame’s office has been paying heavily to Washington based lobbyists so that Jeannette Nyiramongi Nzirorera Gasana Kagame may secure invite to attend and be among the guest speakers. Last year, President Trump was the chief guest speaker.
While teachers and nurses in Rwanda are not getting their peanut salaries, Rwanda’s estranged queen with her entourage were in USA from the 2rd February 2020 to the 11th February 2020, residing in Boston while splashing tax payers’ money without any care.
We all know the Kagames own several properties in Boston, with their daughter owning a flat in upper flash area of Boston. Than staying in one of their several properties or at the residence of Rwanda’s ambassador in Washington – USA; the estranged first lady with her entourage preferred to stay at a 5 star hotel – Boston Harbor Hotel and flying from Boston to Washington for any work commitment, all courtesy of Rwanda’s tax payers.
As the machiavellian concept would state; the Kagames are running a cunning, scheming, unscrupulous and mafia politics. Machiavelli described these types of behaviours as immoral politics of dishonesty and such people shouldn’t hold any public office.
The irony of all this, it’s the hypocrisy of Jeannette Nyiramongi Nzirorera Gasana Kagame. The estranged First Lady of the potato enclave preached on reconciliation, love and unity during National Prayer’s Breakfast in Washington, DC. This is a woman who has initiated assassinations of innocent citizens, plundering of the economy without forgetting her plundering – racketeering in DR Congo, installed hatred within the society and encouraged political intrigues especially within the satanic regime/ruling party.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.