Tuesday , 25 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

Rwanda’s satanic regime is built on the framework of military intelligence. After dictactor Paul Kagame, military intelligence setup comes second in the hierarchical system that rules the country – Rwanda.

Since late 2013, when dictator Paul Kagame decided to go for regime change in Burundi, his intelligence services started tracking president Peter Nkurunziza and penetrating Burundi’s intelligence services. Dictator Paul Kagame continued playing mister nice to president Peter Nkurunziza, while behind his back, a grand scheme to overthrow him is underway. On 13th May 2015, while East African leaders, President Jakaya Kikwete, president Museveni, President Peter Nkurunziza and Paul Kagame were in Dar es Salaam for a meeting to discuss on Burundi’s political impulse; Dictator Paul Kagame’s allies in Burundi’s military moved swiftly to grab power by force.

Meanwhile, leaders who were meeting in Dar es Salaam started receiving real time information from Bujumbura of a coup d’etat, and this happened when the leaders had gone for lunch recess/break. After lunch, when they returned to continue with their meeting, to the shock of other leaders, Paul Kagame told president Jakaya Kikwete and president Museveni that Peter Nkurunziza is no longer the president of Burundi, he shouldn’t be in the conference room as the theme of discussion has changed due to coup d’etat information that was constantly arriving from Bujumbura.

During the lunch recess/break, Gen James Kabarebe who was the master planner of the coup d’etat operation had informed his boss, Paul Kagame that the operation has been a success. Brig Gen Willy Rwagasana, the current head of the presidential guard, who was then a Lt Colonel and head of Paul Kagame’s close protection team was relaying to his boss all the massages from Gen James Kabarebe in regard to what was taking place in Burundi.

Without fear, shyness or remorse, Paul Kagame insisted that President Peter Nkurunziza shouldn’t be in conference room, and the discussion theme should be on how to create peaceful exit for President Nkurunziza and his family that was in Burundi in a middle of a coup d’etat chaos. President Jakaya Kikwete and President Museveni refused the mad man’s suggestions and went further to reiterate that President Peter Nkurunziza is still the president of Burundi, and East African community will denounce the coup plotters with all means necessary.

The leaders were further shocked when Paul Kagame stood up and told president Jakaya Kikwete and president Museveni that he is leaving since they have failed to listen to what Burundians want, and they can continue their discussions without his presence. Paul Kagame and his team left the conference room just after 2:00 PM Dar es Salaam time, and headed to Julius Nyerere international airport. For Paul Kagame, he had been assured by Gen James Kabarebe that the coup d’etat in Burundi was a success. Paul Kagame flew out of Dar es Salaam with a smile in his face heading to Kigali to celebrate the coup d’etat.

I will let the future to tell you on the manoeuvres played in order to overturn a coup d’etat that Gen James Kabarebe had declared a success to his boss. From this failed coup d’etat to a time of his death, 8th June 20, president Peter Nkurunziza was a target for assassination courtesy of Paul Kagame and his terrorist Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI).

In mid 2015, friendly intelligence services in the region, SADEC countries and Russia provided concrete intelligence information to Burundi’s  National Intelligence Service (SNR). From 2015 to a time of his death, 8th June 2020, president Peter Nkurunziza didn’t leave the country except once on 20th July 2017, for a one day meeting with president John Magufuli in Ngara,  northwestern Tanzania. This was the only trip outside Burundi since the failed May 2015 coup d’etat to a day he died.

President Peter Nkurunziza’s decision not to travel outside the country for the past five years was based on concrete military intelligence information rather than any other circumstance(s).

After the failure of the May 2015 coup d’etat, Paul Kagame did not stop, his intelligence services continued to monitor, track, surveil and collect information on President Peter Nkurunziza, his administration and Burundian army. And Kigali became the headquarter of anti Peter Nkurunziza elements.

After the May 2015 failed coup d’etat, those who were not captured by Burundian authority fled towards Rwanda. Once in Rwanda, under instructions from Paul Kagame, these batch of Burundian dissidents were facilitated by Rwanda’s intelligence services. They were provided travel documents, operation funds to re-organise, military training camps and logistic supports to start anti Nkurunziza online radios and Television. Within two months, a well armed rebel group, Résistance pour un État de Droit au Burundi (RED – Tabara) started attacking Burundi from Rwanda, making two attacks in Kayanza province and they were swiftly neutralized by Burundian forces.

After months of military and intelligence defeats and frustrations, in his campaign against President Peter Nkurunziza, in November 2015, Paul Kagame turned a human rights activist by telling a gathering, “People are being killed every day, bodies are found on the streets… Leaders are spending time killing people. No one knows where he is, no one can talk to him. How does he lead his people? People are dying every day, dead bodies are being dragged on the streets every day.”

While Kagame was hypocritically sounding like a human rights activist, his intelligence services were recruiting young Burundian boys from different refugee camps for military training at Nasho Basic Military training center and Gabiro military Training Center in Rwanda. At the same time, in December 2015, a new rebel group Republican Forces of Burundi – Force republican du Burundi (FROREBU) was officially launched in Kigali. The rebel movement was formed by Major General Philibert Habarugira, Colonel Gilles Ndihokubwayo, Edward Nibigira, Hadji Hussain Radjabu and others.

Since 2016 to present, Rwanda’s special forces and Burundian special forces have been battling in South Kivu, DR Congo. South Kivu has turned into a death field for these forces and their proxies. On 27th April 2020, in a presidential press conference, journalists asked dictator Paul Kagame if Rwanda’s forces are deployed in DR Congo, than refuting or accepting, he went ahead to tell journalists how Burundi has troops in DR Congo. Just in South Kivu, as of May 2020, Rwanda had deployed 6 military battalions organised in large mobile units. Since April 2019 to present, with the approval of DR Congo’s accidental president – Felix Tshisekedi, Rwanda’s military has been deploying heavily and operating in DR Congo. Most interesting part of Rwanda’s deployment inside DR Congo, it’s the acceptance of accidental president – Felix Tshisekedi to allow Rwanda’s military troops to wear army uniforms of Forces armées de la république démocratique du Congo (FARDC).

On the morning of Friday, 22nd May 2020, pseudo social media accounts run by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and Paul Kagame’s office started posting how President Peter Nkurunziza’s wife, Denise Bucumi Nkurunziza had previous night been flown out of the country to Kenya by AMREF air ambulance services, for Covid 19 treartreatment. On Saturday, 23rd May 2020, that is when regional and international media outlets started picking on the story that its sources was Rwanda’s intelligence services. By this time, different sources within the government of Burundi came out to reiterate how the president is Coronavirus negative, but declining to comment on first lady, Denise Bucumi Nkurunziza’s medical status.

On Wednesday, 27th May 2020, dictator Paul Kagame’s intelligence services started spreading rumours through different platforms how President Peter Nkurunziza has been stricken by Covid 19, information which wasn’t true. The key question to this, why did Paul Kagame’s intelligence services spread this false rumour? Was it a diversion for a sinister grand plan to assassinate president Peter Nkurunziza? Why did Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence/G2 (DMI) go for this type of disinformation? Those who have closely followed the workings of Paul Kagame will know that nothing is done by mistake. All military intelligence operations are carried with intended objective(s).

On Sunday, 7th June 2020, Kigali residents woke up to news on how President Peter Nkurunziza is seriously ill, and been admitted at Karusi Hospital in eastern Burundi. This information which originated from the corridors of DMI reached on the streets of Bujumbura by midday, and by evening residents of other East African countries started hearing the rumour. Midday, Monday 8th June 2020, Kigali was ripe with rumours of President Peter Nkurunziza’s death. By evening, psuedo social media accounts managed by Rwanda’s military intelligence and Paul Kagame’s office started posting with definitive on President Peter Nkurunziza’s death.

All along, Burundi government kept quiet throughout this trying episode, coming out on 9th June 20, to announce the death of president Peter Nkurunziza (RIP) due to heart failure. The official statement announcing the president’s death said, “he was taken ill in the evening after helping out at a volleyball match in Ngozi, northern Burundi, on Saturday.

He went to hospital, but appeared to be recovering on Sunday and was able to communicate with the people surrounding him, the government says.
His condition, however, rapidly changed on Monday.”

Critical questions to ask: Has President Peter Nkurunziza (RIP);

1) Died of heart attack as indicated by a statement from the government of Burundi? The president was physically fit with enhanced physical exercise regime, never at any day complained of heart attack signs or been treated with heart related issues and was always undergoing rigorous medical checkup.

2) Died of Covid 19 as rumoured in the streets of Burundi? All the covid 19 checkup turned negative.

3) Died of poison as being whispered in states intelligence corridors of East African countries, especially Rwanda’s intelligence apparatus.
Will there be an independent post-mortem?

Key points:

1) The Mother of late President Peter Nkuruziza is alive.

2) President of the Parliament, Pascal Nyabenda is well and has no Covid 19.

3) President elect, Maj Gen Evariste Ndayishimiye has no covid 19 and he is well.

RIP, MUTAMA, PETER NKURUNZIZA————————————————————————————————————
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog – rpfgakwerere.org.

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog rpfgakwerere.org was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.

About Gakwerere

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