By: Rpf Gakwerere
Under the government of Dictator Juvenal Habyarimana, they had Al Hadji Ngeze Hassan alias RTLM, and now, Under Criminal Paul Kagame, they have Al Hadji Tom Ndahiro alias Rutwe alias Tom Mahirwe alias Mbariga alias Nzararaye.

Dear oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans, is Al Hadji Tom Ndahiro fasting and obeying Ramadan? We all know of his greed and love for food, is Al Hadji Rutwe really fasting?

Is Al Hadji Tom Ndahiro alias Rutwe promoting peace, unity, love, forgiveness and harmony during this period of Ramadan?
Dear oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans, why don’t you wish Al Hadji Tom Ndahiro a happy Ramadan.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.