By: Rpf Gakwerere
Do you still remember that the former justice minister and Attorney General of Rwanda, Tharcisse Karugarama was unceremoniously sacked from the ministry for merely saying during a BBC interview that Kagame will not change the country’s constitution or contest for a third term? Did you know that after this BBC interview, he was called at Village Urugwiro (Presidential residence) by Kagame, where he was insulted, rebuked and spat at, by Rwanda’s deranged ruler?

Did you know that since his humiliating sack from the ministry of Justice in 2013, he is not allowed to get any job in Rwanda, either in public or private sector? Did you know that he secured a job with UN, only to be frustrated by the government by refusing to give him a passport?
Mzee Tharcisse Karugarama is not allowed to have a passport until the day dictator Paul Kagame says so! Did you know that, while in Uganda, his first profession was teaching, but he’s been denied the opportunity of even teaching law in any “University” in Rwanda?
Did you know that he is into the farming of pigs? Did you know that he was denied the chance of pork market in Kagame’s owned hotels? Did you know that some times he fails to get funds for buying patrol for his car? Did you know that his car will remind you of those cars in Zaire during Mobutu’s era – a moving wheelbarrow??

Did you know that he was among the 1st civilians who started RPF? Did you know that he sacrificed alot, I repeat sacrificed alot for RPF, the ruling party? Did you know that his among those men we may refer as honorable and courteous?
Did you know that in early 2013, he labelled RNC members as ibigarasha ( useless cards) and within five month, Kagame turned him into an old ikigarasha (old useless card)?
Did you know that dictator Paul Kagame nicknamed him King Kong, a nickname that members of Dictator Paul Kagame’s inner satanic circle always refer to Mzee Tharcisse Karugarama? Kigali has become an out of bounds for him. He has been excommunicated from RPF, a party that he helped to create.
Did you know that of recent, due to stress caused by the state towards his life, from the recent look, one may think mzee Tharcisse Karugarama is 150 years old……….As I always say, Kagame has no single religion, a pure satanic sinner.
Satan knows how to reward, and no one should blame satan on how he rewards his servants. What matters to Satan, it’s his children, now you have to include the new arrival, the grandchild. The rest of you lots, your liable for elimination at the end of your service(s).