By: Rpf Gakwerere
Potato enclave – Rwanda, where hunger and poverty are ravaging the country side. Under criminal Paul Kagame, the Potato enclave – Rwanda is going through real stinking poverty as opposed to doctored reports that come out of this police state. Fabricated reports which indicates yearly GPD growth averaging between 7.5% – 11% for the past 20 years. With this kind of growth, the Potato enclave – Rwanda would by now be a donor country rather a donor recipient. The “African Singapore” – Rwanda, is a poverty stricken country that is experiencing mass unemployment, low human capital in the region, hunger, mass migration, surpassed $ 6 Billion USA dollars of foreign debt a country the size of South Kivu region, high level bankruptcies of SMEs, Capital flight, high mortgage foreclosures, unprecedented redundancies, draconian tax policies that hits those living on margins, unprecedented corruption controlled from criminal Paul Kagame’s office, kidnappings, disappearances, torture, incarceration, killings……etc.
A potato enclave – Rwanda, where prices of commodities especially consumer commodities are over the roof, totally unaffordable, life expectancy is at minimal, social wellbeing at zero and hopelessness under a prolific brutal regime.

A Country, where the ruler – criminal Paul Kagame and his family controls over 70% of business transactions. The country were the health service is dilapidated, the education system reduced to a sorry state, agriculture totally destroyed due to bad agricultural policies where land has been grabbed from the marginalised poor. And a country where oppression and slavery of the citizens have been stamped as a norm.
For criminal Paul Kagame and his inept sycophants, they will pimp Kagame family owned hotels and flats in central Kigali and refers them development of Rwanda. The few tall buildings in central Kigali are owned by one family – the Kagame family. They will show the well lit areas around Criminal Paul Kagame owned properties in central Kigali and refer to them as development.
To inept state minions and goons, five well lit streets and buildings owned by one family defines “the development of Rwanda,” thus being labelled the Singapore of Africa. Just 5 Km away from the glitter zone of the Kagames, the real Rwanda emerges; the Rwanda which is in a social and economic catastrophic state.
There is no single economic miracle, unfortunately, criminal Paul Kagame has turned the country into a graveyard rather than a real Singapore model. The only people who are seeing the real economic miracles are the Kagames.