By: Rpf Gakwerere
While last night I was enjoying great Rumba album by DR Congo’s underrated musician Felix Wazekwa, in Kigali, the capital of the enclave – Rwanda, an innocent man was being assassinated by operatives under the direct control of notorious assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza.

The field operation to assassinate an innocent citizen, William Rwamwojo Mugabo was under Dan Munyuza’s right hand man, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi who was in charge of DMI/Police operative thugs that brutally assassinated the hospital manager – Mr Rwamwojo, yesterday, on 2nd September 2020, around 8:00 PM Kigali time.
CP Egide Ruzigamanzi is a well known human rights abuser within criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence networks. His brutal, and a master in human torture mechanisms, with blood of innocent people in his hands.

At 8:00 PM, William Rwamwojo Mugabo arrived at his residence, dropped his young brothers, and went to park his car few minutes from his residence.
When he was walking back home, men in two boda boda motorbikes, with two people per bike stopped him by mentioning his names. William Rwamwojo stopped to talk to them, this is when the four men jumped on him as a double cabin Toyota pickup with tinted glasses arrived with other assassins.
He was strangled with a belt and at the same time being stabbed with Military grade bayonets. According to those who have seen, Mr William Mugabo’s remains, the body is ridden with bayonet wounds.

After the brutal assassination, these bloodthirsty assassins took his two phones and left behind his wallet that had more than 100 thousands Rwanda francs.
While they were assassinating Mr William Mugabo, three by passer cars stop and asked what was happening, and both were shown police identification cards, and told these passers-by, its a police operation.

This operation to eliminate an innocent man, Mr William Rwamwojo Mugabo took less than 10 minutes, on a side of a busy road.
Who is Mr William Rwamwojo Mugabo.
According to all sources, he was a hospital manager, an evangelist, a father to a young family, a husband, a child, a relative and a friend to many people. Sources indicates he was never in politics or in security apparatus, he was a devoted evangelical who spent most of the time waving his hands to Jesus.

Now, the satanic regime of criminal Paul Kagame has destroyed a young family by brutally killing a young father and husband. For years, innocent people have died due to fake intelligence information given to criminal Paul Kagame by his ill trained intelligence officers, like many before him, William Rwamwojo Mugabo may have been assassinated under fake intelligence information.
There is no single reason that justifies the continued killing of innocent Citizens in Rwanda, at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame and his bloodthirsty thugs.
Life is a God given right, and Criminal Paul Kagame or his assassins like Dan Munyuza, Vincent Nyakarundi, Anaclet Kalibata, Lynder Nkuranga, Joseph Rutabana, Lt.Col.Mucyo Mulinzi or any other Intelligence thug, have no single right of taking anyone’s life.
The brutal assassination of William Rwamwojo Mugabo follows the usual DMI modus operandi, at the centre of the operation, it’s heinous brutality, for example:
* Flavien Ngaboyamahina who was brutally tortured on 1st August 2020 and died on 4th August 2020.
* Isaac Mbula (David Shukuru Mbuyi) who was executed on 30th July 2020.
* Mzee Desire Kyamutamu who was assassinated in July 2020 through strangulation and stabbing.
* Dr Joel Kambale Ketha who was brutally assassinated on 30th March 2020.
* Kizito Mihigo who was brutally assassinated on 17th February 20.
* Eddie Bagamba who was brutally eliminated on the 24 December 19.
* Mr Syridio Dusabumuremyi brutally eliminated on 23 September 19.
* Anicet Kanamugire eliminated on 14 April 2019 after a week of being tortured by criminal Paul Kagame’s police force.
* Anselme Mutuyimana brutally eliminated on 8 March 2019.
* Boniface Twagirimana kidnapped on 8 October 2018 by Dan Munyuza’s operatives.
* CSP Hubert Gashagaza who was brutally eliminated on 17 September 2018.
* Christine Iribagiza brutally eliminated on 13 April 2017.
* Etc