Rpf Gakwerere
Look at this bloodthirsty criminal, Co-Vice President of the potato enclave – Rwanda! Look at this slayer hypocrite that have shed blood of innocent people.

Who monitors people than their satanic regime? Who monitors people than her and the killing system that she is leading alongside her frail dictator father and mother?
Who monitors people to the extent of oppressing, enslaving and exploiting them? What is this little minded bloodthirsty Co-vice President talking about? Their bloodthirsty regime has policed innocent Rwandans to the extent of trying their best to police those who are in diaspora, those who have fled from their human rights abuses/dictatorship.
Since when did oppressed and enslaved Rwandans start policing this bloodthirsty family? Since 1994, dictator Paul Kagame, “father” to this little mind slayer Co – Vice President, has ruled the country through close policing, kidnapping, torturing, incarcerating and killing innocent citizens of the greatlakes region.
Since when does a dictator become a victim? Unbelievable, a bloodthirsty oppressor trying to play victim!
N.B: Dear oppressed and enslaved Rwandans, hope you know your Co-Vice President’s new names since her marriage: Ange Ingabire Kagame Ndengeyingoma (AIKN).